Me-262 Slowdown


Charter Member
Hello everybody,

The stock Messerchmitt 262's for the sim are excellent to fly, but I can't seem to land them even when I slow down farther away, they just seem too fast.

Can anybody tell me why the Germans didn't add some dive brakes to their jet aircraft and the Brits did? I've noticed the same issue with the Go229.

Any input welcome.
Hello everybody,

The stock Messerchmitt 262's for the sim are excellent to fly, but I can't seem to land them even when I slow down farther away, they just seem too fast.

Can anybody tell me why the Germans didn't add some dive brakes to their jet aircraft and the Brits did? I've noticed the same issue with the Go229.

Any input welcome.

Brits had a mere island for slowing down and landing, Germans had a whole continent for that. :icon_lol:
I have no problem landing them.With that said let me tell you the method I use.First off make sure you have plenty of time to get your gear down as the stock 262's gear cycles to the full down and locked position v e r y s l o w l y.OK to slow down first get your altitude down to about 5k(Feet) and about 5 miles out from your base and toward the end of the runway you intend to land at.Next reduce your throttle and start a series of tight "S" turns(Banking hard left,while feeding in up elevator then quickly rolling the aircraft to the right and pulling back on the stick hard).While "S'turning watch your speed and start reducing your altitude to around 3k the whole time s turning toward your intended runway.When your speed drops to around 180(MPH)drop full flaps and gear power up to around 23% and maintain a 3k altitude until you are about 3/4 of a mile out from your intended landing.Without adding anymore throttle point the nose of the jet at the end of the runway,if your speed starts to increase chop your throttle(do not shut down your engines!!) Do not worry about this high AOA as you are on a true glide path(like the space shuttle but slower)now you'll have to gently pull back on the stick at the right time to start your flare just not to early or you'll stall out high and crash. When done right,the landing, will look just like any modern high performance aircraft landing...and with some practice you can even aerobreak. Good luck hop this helps.
If you want realism, don't let revs fall below 6000 rpm, keep 7000 prm on finals and move the throttle slowly or your engine will catch fire (in reality, not in CFS3).