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I have a question about the ME 109E in BoB add on.
I love the add-on but noticed what I feel may be an error on the ME 109E. I took Adolf Gallands 109 for a spin and found that I could only fire the machine guns, there were no cannons. I thought all BoB ME 109E's had cannon fitted. Or Am I doing something wrong?
I downloaded and added in the Fairy Battle bomber as it is of the BoB era. Flys great in the BoB add on but if I load it with bombs the sim crashes and a message says "CFS3 Exec has stopped working" It also crashes if I use it as an AI aircraft. What have I done wrong?
I love the add-on but noticed what I feel may be an error on the ME 109E. I took Adolf Gallands 109 for a spin and found that I could only fire the machine guns, there were no cannons. I thought all BoB ME 109E's had cannon fitted. Or Am I doing something wrong?
I downloaded and added in the Fairy Battle bomber as it is of the BoB era. Flys great in the BoB add on but if I load it with bombs the sim crashes and a message says "CFS3 Exec has stopped working" It also crashes if I use it as an AI aircraft. What have I done wrong?