Me109 in BoB and Fairy Battle Question


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I have a question about the ME 109E in BoB add on.

I love the add-on but noticed what I feel may be an error on the ME 109E. I took Adolf Gallands 109 for a spin and found that I could only fire the machine guns, there were no cannons. I thought all BoB ME 109E's had cannon fitted. Or Am I doing something wrong?

I downloaded and added in the Fairy Battle bomber as it is of the BoB era. Flys great in the BoB add on but if I load it with bombs the sim crashes and a message says "CFS3 Exec has stopped working" It also crashes if I use it as an AI aircraft. What have I done wrong?

Good catch Oliver! No one's ever commented on that before, I certainly never noticed but rarely fly for the LW.

The cannons can be added by editing/adding these lines to the aircrafts xdp file. I haven't checked the cannon type or ammo load but to get it working this is what I did; change the 2 wing guns to cannon "20mmMGFF" and added the entry for the nose gun.

I know that not all variants had the nose gun fitted so would have to verify which ones, if any during BoB.

<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="left_guns" Tracer="20" Trainable="0" Trigger="1" Type="792mmmg81_gun" Name="Left Cowl MG" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch="0.0" MaxAmmo="1000" UseSmallFlash="1"></GunStation>
<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="right_guns" Tracer="20" Trainable="0" Trigger="1" Type="792mmmg81_gun" Name="Right Cowl MG" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch="0.0" MaxAmmo="1000" UseSmallFlash="1"></GunStation>
<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="left_cannon" Tracer="20" Trainable="0" Trigger="1" Type="20mmMGFF_gun" Name="Left Wing MG" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch="0.0" MaxAmmo="420" UseSmallFlash="1"></GunStation>
<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="right_cannon" Tracer="20" Trainable="0" Trigger="1" Type="20mmMGFF_gun" Name="Right Wing MG" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch="0.0" MaxAmmo="420" UseSmallFlash="1"></GunStation>
<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="cannon" Tracer="40" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="20mmMGFF_gun" Name="Nose Cannon" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".1489" MaxAmmo="150"/>

On the Fairy Battle question it sounds like you have a weapon or pylon missing.
Thanks Pat for this correction, after all the missions I have built using these aircraft I never noticed this!! :banghead:
Thanks Oliver for finding this needed correction also..
Hi All,

are we talking about the E1 E3 or E4? if E1 then MG across the board is correct, some E3's had MG across the board as well. E4 should definately be MG and Cannons.

The Galland plane May 1940 is an E1, so should have MG's.

regards Rob.
Hi All,

are we talking about the E1 E3 or E4? if E1 then MG across the board is correct, some E3's had MG across the board as well. E4 should definately be MG and Cannons.

The Galland plane May 1940 is an E1, so should have MG's.

regards Rob.
What about the nose gun,did the E1 have a nose gun?
Two MG17s in the nose was standard on all 109s until the G-5. The cannon in the spinner wasn't added until the Bf 109F was introduced, though I've heard of unsuccessful tests on a handful of Bf 109Es.
I noticed Galland's plane has a faulty animation in the landing gear. Is there an upgrade for this plane?


I downloaded and added in the Fairy Battle bomber as it is of the BoB era. Flys great in the BoB add on but if I load it with bombs the sim crashes and a message says "CFS3 Exec has stopped working" It also crashes if I use it as an AI aircraft. What have I done wrong?


Check you have got the appropriate sounds, pylons - it has specific ones the install will possibly not include - and guns/bombs. Use Windows Notepad to open the xdp and sound files and check in the relevant folders.