Mehlin Rainer: An author to watch


Charter Member 2011
Mehlin has always been a favourite for his brilliant AI models.
There's a beta version of his Stemme motorglider at AVSIM:

File Description:
Stemme S-10 Beta Version; For instructions, see video ( ) The 2D panel has no instruments,in the VC are all analog instruments modeled 3D.

License: Freeware
Added: 12th January 2011
Downloads: 336
Author: Mehlin Rainer
Size: 2272kb

And halleluyah!
A small video of how to start the thing!
How hard can this be, to ease the users' pain??
10/10 sir!

I downloaded Mehlin's Stemme S-10 and took it for a hop out of the Old Mandeville strip in New Zealand and was very happy with it. I handled very nicely and I liked the wingfold animation. I hope he modifies the nose cone/powerplant a little bit to show the nose moving forward when the engine is powered up, and then retracts as the propeller blades spin down and retract on shutdown. One detail I liked was the solar panel atop the fuselage aft of the cockpit. The only odd things I noticed - keeping in mind it's a beta - was some of the instruments (eg., the altimeter) seemed to lag. Also, the gear folded up on me during the takeoff run, 'tho I don't discount the very real possibility I may have hit the wrong switch.

I first heard of the Stemme in Flying magazine some years ago and was immediately impressed with it: retractable landing gear, retractable prop in a nifty housing, side-by-side seating to take a friend along, all in a World Class sailplane airframe. What more could a sky junkie want???

And to think I was going to spend my evening tweaking my Dimona TS80 (from Premaircraft-nice plane). I see this and :jawdrop:.
Downloaded it and took it for a spin. For a beta it's awfully nice. Beefed up the landing gear to better accomodate my ham-fisted landing style:
point.0 = 1,-16.22, 0.00, -1.73, 1500, 0, 0.28, 5.0, 0.05, 2.0, 0.9, 0.0, 0.0, 0
point.1 = 1, 1.26, -1.98, -3.58, 1600, 1, 0.60, 0.0, 0.275, 2.0, 0.7, 8.0, 8.0, 2
point.2 = 1, 1.26, 1.98, -3.58, 1600, 2, 0.60, 0.0, 0.275, 2.0, 0.7, 8.0, 8.0, 3

I also replaced the default sound with the soundfile from the Evektor EV97 from FSNordic. IIRC they both are Rotax powered although the Stemme's got a better glide ratio.:kilroy:
Know what goes good with this? Bill Lyons' soaring scenery that comes with his Stinson/Pietenpol combo.:running:
Thank you for the heads-up *****:ernae:
I first heard of the Stemme in Flying magazine some years ago and was immediately impressed with it: retractable landing gear, retractable prop in a nifty housing, side-by-side seating to take a friend along, all in a World Class sailplane airframe. What more could a sky junkie want???

Not only that but if you have a glider rating you can legally fly one of these babies after only a few hours of instruction flying and a checkride. In the United States a 14 year old can do this but ironically enough can't ride a moped to the airport to fly this bird (not until he/she is 15). :isadizzy:
Only just remembered I downloaded this aircraft.. :redf: It's a good model of an interesting aircraft!
I had a Stemme glider back in Fs2002 but I don't remember who did it.. IIRC that author also did the Rutan Voyager.

I hope he modifies the nose cone/powerplant a little bit to show the nose moving forward when the engine is powered up, and then retracts as the propeller blades spin down and retract on shutdown.

Look for a lever in the VC that reads 'Propellorhaube'; it's located behind the throttle.
I was flying his B307 regular until Jens brought his newer one out. I still use Kaiser's as AI.