Memory Problem


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
No, not the one my wife says I have... but for my computer.

I tried to upgrade from 2 to 4 gb and now the computer freezes. I think I know the problem and that the CAS is different across the memory. I know you can manually set the timing in the BIOS, but if the CAS is different is maually setting the timing an exercise in futility?
Hi Ted,
What sytem are you running XP or Vista?
You may know this that XP will show a limit of 3Gb, but should run ok with 4GB. Vista 32bit is 6Gb, so you should show 3.?? in Vista.

In answer to your info, the latency timings are the max you can go, so if you have some at say 3.5 and the new ones at 2.5. You would have to drop the new ones down to 3.5.
BUT, to be honest it's the memory speed and the amount which count more! So match them and if you want, you can up the speed a little to compensate.

If you have a matched and non-matched pair then this will cause problems. So again if the new ones are a matched pair it may also be best to change them to a non-matched pair or replace the older pair.....

Hope this memory now hurts!! :costumes:

Many thanks for the new Hali-bags, real beauties...:ernae:
