Merc Air has a new service


Staff member
With it's latest acquisition (won it in a poker game), Merc Air is now capable of Naval Aviation with it's very own aircraft carrier based out of Rochford near our main airbase.

(In other words, I'm having fun placing aircraft carriers around the globe :icon_lol:)
The "covered wagon"! Nice. Soon, very soon, we'll be able to afford some big deck flat tops... ")
The pilots in that area must be very crosswind challenged...the two sets of parallel runways are what maybe 7 degrees offset from each other to ensure "straight into the wind" landings 99% of the time :D

Of course that problem does not exist with a straight deck carrier since it makes it's own wind over the deck in addition to steaming into the natural one.

Stefan, that is an issue with the original CFC Rochford CFS 1 scenery that I installed into FS9 that I haven't been able to fix. The original CFS runways only show up at certain angles and altitudes. As I'm just a scenery dabbler, it's been beyond me on how to remove them although I've got an idea to take another stab at removing them so they won't interfere with the AFCAD work I did.

CFC Rochford is just something I play around with now and again and try new things out at. As it's a fictional airbase that was done for Merc Air back in the CFS 1 days, I don't have to worry with staying accurate to real life there. If you look in the screenshot you'll see a freighter and pier with cranes. Those are CFS 2 scenery objects that I had to try out and liked so they stayed.
Just to be clear I did not mean any offense ... my involvement with scenery for the most part has been installing what other people have crafted together, aside from a totally fictitious development of my "base of operations" for FSEconomy a few miles from Kona,HI where I placed a house and a hangar along with a emergency water runway. All of it completely dreamed up of
course since the real strip is nothing more than a straight bit of dirt.....not even a windsock.

I did have one similar issue a long time ago though with a scenery in France. After searching in vain for other options to remedy the situation I used the nuclear option.
I located the scenery bgl file which contained the stock my case located in Scenery\world\europe\scenery\9093343.bgl or something like that.
I removed the 9093343.bgl from that folder and the stock airport along with a few surrounding bits and pieces disappeared from the sim on the next start. The scenery I wanted covered 90% of that up nicely and the remaining 10% were out of the way.

In some areas however removing just one bgl file will make a huge difference and cause a disruption which can't be ignored. Finding which bgl contains the airport in question was relatively easy with AFCAD.

Willy, is this the same scenery in the for CFS1?

I remembering flying a bunch of missions from Rochford and the fun we had in the Cantina, but most of all I remember the tall tales in the long running stories with many characters involved. The Out House stores were amoung the best, I wish Tekworm would pay us a visit in the shadow of a Quarter Moon and tell us some more!

Rochford, Merc Air and CFC gave SOH it's name:

Thanks for reminding me.........and thanks for keeping all those stores going, you should be a writer.
Stefan, no offense taken. It's just that it's a very old scenery that doesn't quite want to play nice with FS. One of these days, I'll figure out how to fix it and retain the custom buildings which are the heart of it. The source files for the scenery have been lost for a decade. I'm learning to play with BGL/Comp and a decompiler now. So, I'm hoping that once I get a better handle on them, I can decompile the bgl and we'll see what we can do with those old runways.

CK, yes it's the old CFC Rochford we had so much fun with in CFS. I've been fiddling with it and tweaking it along in FS9 for several years now. I get a bit frustrated with it, set it down for a while and eventually, I get back to it.

For those that weren't there, CFC Rochford was our "Emma Field" back in the day.