merge aircraft folders



Hi, I'm looking for a program that could merge several aircraft folders (for instance all the posky 757 repaints) and that changes the aircraft.cfg. I think I could program that in C++ but it's not my best language and I don't want to work for nothing if such a program already exist.
Hi François,

In all honesty, if it was me doing it (and I've done it for many of my aircraft) I'd simply edit the aircraft.cfg file by hand using Notepad. It isn't particularly difficult, and where you're combining a number of different Models you just have to make sure that the correct Model is referenced in the aircraft.cfg statement for the particular repaint/livery (and the different Model folders included in your compilation folder.)

The only real limitation is if the aircraft performance parameters as stated in the aircraft.cfg are different for the various Models, but if these values are the same the Models should be able to be merged.

The problem is if you have 50 repaints to merge!
But I think I will do that by hand, it would be longer to program that.