Merging conversion aircraft with MSFS vcs.


We've seen after converting legacy aircraft a wide variety of results with the vc and functionality of gauges.
A few enterprising developers have gone ahead and done merges between these conversions and MSFS vcs.
A320's and 747's have been done with mixed results.
I was wondering what other merges have been done, any pointers of how to and to what degree of results.
Sure it would be nice to have vcs that match the aircraft but for some conversions that is not going to happen.
Not just merges to like aircraft but where vcs have been added to a conversion just to get it to fly.

My interest is in 787 or Longitude merges.
We've seen after converting legacy aircraft a wide variety of results with the vc and functionality of gauges.
A few enterprising developers have gone ahead and done merges between these conversions and MSFS vcs.
A320's and 747's have been done with mixed results.
I was wondering what other merges have been done, any pointers of how to and to what degree of results.
Sure it would be nice to have vcs that match the aircraft but for some conversions that is not going to happen.
Not just merges to like aircraft but where vcs have been added to a conversion just to get it to fly.

My interest is in 787 or Longitude merges.

I have merged a 747 VC onto a KC-10 so it would have autopilot controls, and it works just fine. I've helped a few people with their airliner merges too.

I don't think I have ever seen a successful 787 or Longitude merge because those are premium aircraft with encrypted files. It would theoretically be possible but it would require some serious reverse engineering, I believe.
Here is a general overview I wrote for someone on Discord:

Put the interior model files into the converted aircraft model folder, then edit the model.cfg to say interior = 747interior.xml (or whatever). For the exterior model, it needs to say 'exterior=' instead of 'normal='.

Copy the texture folder from the native aircraft and call it something like texture.747 or texture.a320 and paste that into your aircraft folder next to the existing texture folder. Once you get it working you can remove any exterior texture files from the native aircraft to save space.

Create a texture.cfg in the regular texture folder with a fallback that points to the texture.747 folder. If a texture.cfg already exists, add a new fallback line. If you have multiple textures, make sure the texture.cfg is in all of them.

Copy the panel folder from the native aircraft and paste it in to the aircraft folder. Either overwrite the one that's there or rename it to something like panel.747 and assign that panel in aircraft.cfg (for this example, you'd make sure it said "panel=747" in each fltsim section).

Update the eyepoint coordinates to match the aircraft you got the VC from (the cockpit will not be in the same place as the original). This is either in aircraft.cfg or cameras.cfg if you have the cfg files broken up.

Update the layout.json and it should work!