Merry Christmas Everyone! Nachtpiloten's Halibags Uploaded at Beau's


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Merry Christmas Everyone! Nachtpiloten's Halibags Uploaded at Beau's

You are a lucky bunch of people. First a load of Do 217's at the beginning of the month and now Nachpiloten presents his first work for Coastal Command three Merlin powered Halibags. I have altered the original loadouts to carry a flare/ DC mix, so you'll need to have ETO 1.2 which has the appropriate flares.

The Aircraft
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Halifax GRII Sr.Ia_JP165D, No. 58 Sqn, Stornoway, early 1945.

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Halifax GRV Sr.II_DG250C, No. 1674 Heavy Conversion Unit, Aldergrove, May 1945.

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Halifax GRV Sr.II_HR686J, No. 502 Sqn, St Eval, Summer 1944.

Get them from BeausCFS3 in the Downloads/Aircraft/Coastal Command section.


These were based on Starrynight's original B3. Must not forget to thank him for his great work!!!! Hope you like them. I am cleaning house so to speak so 4-6 other halifaxes are on the way very soon. 4 are being tested now and I have three more to send out before uploading them here at SOH. The flightmodels are temporary and I hope I can get better ones, but if not these will do!

You'll find little quirks here and there but all in all they are fairly accurate!
Excellent!! Someone correct me if I am wrong but i think this is the first time in any sim that a Merlin-powered Halifax has appeared!!!!

Many thanks
Thanks Nacht & Beau, thats great news. :applause::applause: I'l be putting some hours in on those for sure. :)

CFS3 continues to get better and better!!
And more

Thanks Nacht & Beau, thats great news. :applause::applause: I'l be putting some hours in on those for sure. :)

CFS3 continues to get better and better!!

The glider tug is being evaluated now and 3 bc versions are going to be uploaded in a day or so. Need to get this done since hd is tired of having the halifaxes plus 15 lancasters just sitting there.

With the lancasters the Tirpitz will not be safe anymore.
You'll find little quirks here and there but all in all they are fairly accurate!
Unfortunately I have to say I found a little quirk in one of the 3D models. The GR. II has four bladed propellers when the engines are turned off, four bladed propellers when they're ticking over and three bladed propellers when the revs are high... I guess the blade thief struck again. :kilroy:
Unfortunately I have to say I found a little quirk in one of the 3D models. The GR. II has four bladed propellers when the engines are turned off, four bladed propellers when they're ticking over and three bladed propellers when the revs are high... I guess the blade thief struck again. :kilroy:

I guess I have to learn how to count! Thought I fixed that one! Probably won't be all you'll find!
Thanks to you guys for a wonderful Xmas Prezzie, I do have one small query, I know the cockpits are rudimentery, But should they look like this or am i missing some texture files. Not a criticism just a query.
Cockpit texture

Thanks to you guys for a wonderful Xmas Prezzie, I do have one small query, I know the cockpits are rudimentery, But should they look like this or am i missing some texture files. Not a criticism just a query.

Should have a halifax interior file. Hmm might have forgot to give it to Beau. I'll send it to him. Should look like this.
when i updated and downloaded missions all owrked but one , says had issue with one of the planes ....thios one after updated

do218 e4 verions
The textures I'm missing are these:

Does anyone have them?

Otherwise, OUTSTANDING WORK!!!!:ernae:
These aircraft are great well done and thank you! I get the same problem with the cockpits but saying that the full version looks far from rudimentery. Is there a fix? Thanks again and Merry Christmas!
The textures I'm missing are these:

Does anyone have them?

Otherwise, OUTSTANDING WORK!!!!:ernae:

I'll get the british_crew to beau. The halifax_interior is on its way. The others will be fixed with the new uploads. I have had this stuff on the machine for soooo long I forgot what was needed!!!

Ok Uploaded the british-crew textures to SOH in the textures section of CFS3. I think Capt Winters made them but for the life of me I don't remember!