merry christmas

I don't know if it qualifies as the "best one", but it is certainly competing as the "hottest one"! It went up to 6°C (43°F) and not a trace of snow. Yesterday, it reached 15°C (59°F) and golfers were still enjoying greens that were, well, green!

Nevertheless, guys and gals, have a very merry :santahat:Christmas!!!:snowman:
Dont feel bad, Hubbabubba, we have been having highs in the mid to low 70s around here.
i'm dreaming of a wet Christmas....
Just like the ones I've always known...

Rain for a portion of every day.

- Ivan.
happy tuesday

Firstly.....may we all have a good year!!!
has anyone any good ideas/projects for the
coming year?
Hello Papingo,

As usual, I have LOTS of projects going. All are concurrent. None are scheduled. Hopefully something gets completed once in a while.

How about you?

- Ivan.
Hi Papingo,
I have fewer ones than Ivan, but they´re there and there are always some surprises I don´t even know about until they happen!
Some get interrupted by others, and the planning is really non-existent - terrible, and disorganized, but at least something happens. If it´s one of my FS98 models perfecting for CFS1, it doesn´t usually take as long as a new scratch-build, unless it doesn´t work and has to be stopped... One never knows until it happens!
recent thots

thanks for replies boys....
my current thing just now in cfs1 is quick combat
and really I would like my opponents to do more
than just shed a few bits of debris or burn for a
minute or so . I am using the default Emil .mdl
with brightened textures ,the Texan .air file(which oddly
flys well in AI form)(engine tweaked to 1050hp)
and a.dp file with the 'box' behind the pilot weakened
enough to explode roughly 10% of the time if hit.
I understand that the fuel tank was a large 'L' shaped
box behind the pilot
Does anyone know of anyone who knows where the
damage box variables are maybe Dave NoDice's cfs2
pals might know???
nice to see mr Aleatorylamp still takes 'to do' with FS98
typing finger sore now-more to come
On the to do list

Hello again Papingo,

To change damage % in the Dp files using DpEdit, I believe you can alter this for the different parts in the Boxes windows (see another screenshot), although Dp is all new to me, I´m afraid. Most probably someone else can help out better.

A recent addition into my to do list of FS98 upgrades for CFS1 list is another obscure twin WWI bilpane bomber (see screenshot) which was in service in Macedonia - I only have to change the crew silhouettes to bodies and guns,and add a decent CFS1 .air file and Dp files. In 2007 I thought the max. parts count in AF99 was 100%, so I still have 50% extra now! ...which should go OK.
