I have Rhumbaflappy's LOD5/7 mesh in a dedicated folder outside of my sims, and his LOD8 in another dedicated folder outside of my sims. I set it up this way to allow for the sharing of the mesh between my numberous installs of FS9 and CFS2. I can activate the LOD5/7 independently of the LOD8 or active them both or deactivate them as I want/need to.
Here is how I have all of my addon scenery/mesh set up:
I have a folder inside of my Microsoft Games folder called MASTER SCENERY. Inside of that folder I have a number of other folders, each holding the files for one batch of scenery. Each of the scenery packs that came with one of Bill Lyon's aircraft has its own folder, each of Leon Louis's scenery has its own folder...this way I can activate each scenery independently of the others.
Also within the Microsoft Games folder, I have a folder for Rhumbaflappy's LOD5/7 mesh and one for his LOD8 mesh.
Having all my mesh and scenery outside of my sims allows me to use on install of the files for all of my sims.....saves a lot of HD space, makes it easy to select which mesh/scnery I want to use in each of my various installs.