Mesh question...


So, I'm continuing to love P3D v2.5...and I am on the verge of starting to reload "the world" (mesh, ORBX sceneries, and individual airports) into P3D. According to ORBX's handy-dandy installation guide, there is a specific order that it is best to load the add-ons in. And the first item is mesh. I have basically the whole world from FSGenesis, but obviously it's an FSX installer. I also have not yet checked what the resolution is on the mesh I have (19m seems to be a standard these days).

Anyway, I have a couple of questions:

1. Has anyone used the FSX installer to install the FSX FSGenesis mesh into P3D V2.0+? If so, how did it work?
2. Is there a particular company that has the best mesh? If so, what is it, and what has your epxerience been?

Any input is appreciated!


Hi Kent,

More than likely the installer for the mesh will not work completely as it should. The folder structure of P3D is quite different from FSX and so you will have to add the scenery/mesh manually to the scenery library yourself.

I must admit though that I've never used this mesh myself.

Take care,

Lately I have been using freemeshx and I'm happy with it. It is evolving and patches correct issues as found. It covers the world and installs in both P3D and FSX as it is a manual install:
Although I've only installed it in Asia, I'm really impressed with the FreeMeshX offering. It transformed the area I fly using the Vietnam War Project scenery. I will be downloading other regions and installing it as well.
I have both FSGenesis and FSGlobal Ultimate and been a user of Orbx scenery since day one . So mesh in relation to Orbx scenery...

What I have found ,imo, FSGlobal Ultimate has a finer mesh and it shows in places , really quite nice (down to LOD13 5m in some areas) ...BUT ...I got tired of all those airfields where the runway elevation didn't meet the ground level . They do provide a tool - AFM - Aerodrome Flattening Meshes - which solves the issue by leveling runway and surrounding area .. BUT again ..I got tired of landing at those airfields that seem to sit up on a plateau .Killed the immersion factor.

I haven't found this as much as a problem with FSGenesis ( not the Orbx promoted version ) which has a lower resolution .

I guess I'm still looking for that perfect solution of high def mesh with realistic blended airfield levels but in the meantime I'm using FSGenssis

Haven't checked this freeware yet , sounds good .