A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 1 Aircraft Add-Ons
Description: The Messerschmitt 109E was the principal German fighter in the early part of the war.
This project was created to provide a canvas for a Battle of Britain era paint scheme.
The aircraft is intended to resemble the Monogram 1:48 scale Me 109E that was first issued in the 1960's.
The markings are for the GruppenKommandeur's aircraft of IV/JG26 but with no additional field applied camouflage or the yellow nose markings that were often applied during the Battle of France and Battle of Britain.
The project is based on Richard Osborne's Me 109E-Trop AFX but has been heavily modified. Thanks to Mr. Osborne for making his AFX publicly available.
The AIR file for this version has been heavily modified from prior versions to correct many faults and to introduce a few new ones. Takeoffs and Landings are quite challenging if one is not careful.
Let me know what you think of this project.
- Ivan.
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