Messerschmitt Bf 109 C1 D-1 enhencement pack


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Hallo friends,
just uploaded the extension pack for Shessies Messerschmitt Bf109 C1 D-1,
you will get nine mor textures one mor 2D cockpit with a new radio gauge,
new gun effects, and a new more complete manual, flight instructions
Thanks Papi,

much appreciated. One thing though, I think some of the 'Bf109C1 NO MIPS.bmp' and possibly some of the 'Bf109C1.bmp' may be mixed up or incorrect i.e. they are not of the same/correct skin. Could you check this to make sure I'm not imagining things or just confused.

Cheers, Taff
Good morning Taff,
as all skins work as they should on my sim,
can you please give me more precisions?
which skins do not show as they should?
Has any one else problems with the sins?
Lee, I had a similar problem. I think (I didn't bother checking), that Papi's new config is not an accurate representation of the original. I started from scratch, adding the skin folders and the config entries one at a time putting the suffix P after the ui=type entry as a means of checking they were all there. Fired up the sim and all there.
Many thanks to Papi for all his excellent work on this aircraft.

skin, textures problems

Hallo friends
it might be possible that I made a fault in the aircraft.cfg for my release.
When I' m back from work I will have a look on the bird again
Sorry for the faults, shame on me
Hallo friends,
as soon as I' m at home I looked onto my Bf 106 C1 D-1.
The finnish version is well in the aircraft.cfg ([fltsim.2])
In my repaint tool it apears also.
And in my sim in the aircraft it is present and when I choose it after a certain time the finnish airforce D-1 is on the apron.
So for any case I join a zip which contains my personal aircraft.cfg.
I hope with that the bug would be fixed.
Otherwise I must sit again to work and to find out what I did wrong.
Hallo Gents,

it would be nice to read if the problems are solved now or if they persists
Or if other had been seen
Hi Papi,

Although the updated aircraft.cfg helps I still have problems with the wrong skins being displayed. I have traced the problem to several Bf109C1 NO MIPS.bmp' files which do not match the 'Bf109C1.bmp versions. I am using and have renamed your NO MIPS versions as they should look better in FS2004 for me. They are in the following folders:

D-1 factory fresh
JG26 Jever 1940
Strasberg 1940

Regards, Taff
Skin problems

Hello gents,

the mystery is complete for me !
I did several tests - all my skins shows as they should.
So I wonder what Sim do you use? FS2004 or FSX?
As last test I delated the bmp called Bf 109C1 NO MIPS.bmp
In the Jever, Strausberg and factory fresh textures and all is also right
Perhaps one thing might help me:
Please make a screenshot of your Messerschmitt Bf109 C1 D-1 folder
where all is shown, as model the panels and the textures.
Perhaps something went wrong while dezipping.
I will try to find out what is going wrong
Hi Papi,

Every texture folder in your package contains 2 main external textures files. The one in use is called "BF109C1.bmp" and the second one is called "BF109C1 NO MIPS.bmp". The second one is not in use, but is the same texture without mipmaps.
This was done this way by Shessi, so people have the options to choose the external texture with or without mipmaps, just by renaming the files. This is useful as some graphic cards will make the external textures look blurry when they include mipmaps.

What Taff is trying to explain its that the "BF109C1 NO MIPS.bmp" included in the folders are not the same as the "BF109C1.bmp" in that texture folder, but are the default IL2 two tone (RLM02/RLM70) Spanish civil war textures by A1_Phoenix.

Bf 109 C1 D-1 skin problems

Hallo you all,

ach soooooo! Thank you Huub, now I understand my error.
So to solve the problems, what to do?
Just rerame the changed *c1 .bmp into *c1 NO MIPS.bmp would certainly make another error.
What do you adwise me to do?
I just had a look the *NO MIPS.bmp do not show up in my repaint tool
Hi Papi,

I would suggest using the excellent freeware graphics tool DXTBmp to save your "BF109C1.bmp" with the MIP maps turned off. These can then be the NO MIPS versions.


out of interest, does anyone know of a way of checking (perhaps another graphics tool) to see if a .bmp file actually contains MIPs?
Hi Papi,

I would suggest using the excellent freeware graphics tool DXTBmp to save your "BF109C1.bmp" with the MIP maps turned off. These can then be the NO MIPS versions.


out of interest, does anyone know of a way of checking (perhaps another graphics tool) to see if a .bmp file actually contains MIPs?


The file size indicates whether the file contains mipmaps or not. I'm not aware of any software which shows whether or not mipmaps are included.
An example: A 1024 x 1024 dtx3 texture which includes mipmaps is 1.33 Mb in size and the same file without mipmaps is exactly 1 Mb in size.

Cheers Huub,

on a hunch I checked Martin Wright's site and discovered his MIP Edit program which seems (with limited testing) to do just the job. Happy days :mixed-smiley-010:

@ Papi: You have a PM!

@Taff: You most probably downloaded MipEdit, which is still a beta. You could also have done the trick with DTXBmp. You can switch mipmaps on and off with the tick box at the right top side.

Huub, DXTBmp - do you mean the "include when saving" tick box? I thought that just allowed you to toggle the inclusion/omission of mip maps into saved image files. Or, are you saying it allows you to check and view if a file already includes mip maps? If so please do tell as I'd be very interested to find out.

Cheers, Taff

@ Papi: You have a PM!

@Taff: You most probably downloaded MipEdit, which is still a beta. You could also have done the trick with DTXBmp. You can switch mipmaps on and off with the tick box at the right top side.

Sorry for the confusion Taff,

But with the tick box you can only choose whether you save the texture with or without mipmaps. To my knowledge its impossible to see whether mipmaps are included or to which resolution.
