Capt. Winters
Charter Member
Hi Guys,
just a heads up that a new set of 6 Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich' have been uploaded to the CFS3 German aircraft section. Readme details below:
This download set contains files for six Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich' aircraft from the Eastern Front 1941 through 1942. to be added to any install of CFS3, Stock, MAW, ETO, BoB, etc.
Aircraft Credits:
The initial work for this pack was completed several years ago, then sat idle until John whelan took it under his wing and organised people to finish it all off.
This Bf 109F was converted from the original DR BF 109E model made by Gerard van der Harst.
Additional modellers who added in detail to the main external model were: Mathias Pommerien, Luca Festari, Tom Faulds.
Virtual cockpit model Luca Festari, with extra model work by Tom Faulds and Rob Stevenson. (External main model cockpit and converted virtual cockpit work.)
Main model Hi Res textures by John Whelan.
Virtual Cockpit textures by John Whelan.
Mos File by Rob Stevenson.
Historical adaptation and standalones by Rob Stevenson.
Flight model by Bill Wilson
AvHistory. org Flight Model V4.00.144
AvHistory weapons and sounds.
This pack consists of 4 folders worth of files.
Aircraft folder. (includes the 6x planes 1x Dr_engine_Sounds folder and 1x shared folder) simply drop these folders into your aircraft folder and allow overwrite if asked.
guns folder. (includes the files for the Mg17 and Mg151-15 armament) drop these files into your guns folder and allow overwrite if asked.
weapons folder. (includes files for the Mg17, Mg151-15, the 300l drop tank, 250kg bomb) drop these files into your weapons folder and allow overwrite if asked.
pylons folder. (includes the main pylons for the 250kg bomb and the 300l drop tank). drop these files into your pylons folder and allow overwrite if asked.
**NOTE** The included guns and weapons folder's contain the relevent AvHistory weapons files required for the Bf109F-2 if you are installing into a stock install of CFS3 or BoB addon, that does not already have the Avhistroy weapons pack loaded.
If installing into MAW, ETO, or Rising Sun addons or Stock CFS3 that has had the AvHistory weapons pack applied you "WILL" be asked to overwrite these files, as all of these addons include the AvHistory weapons pack as part of the addon.
It is safe to overwrite the existing files in your install as the included files in this pack are the most upto date versions of the AvHistory weapons pack.
For any assistance with installation please post on the Simouthouse CFS3 General Discussion forum.
Pilot views in game. there are 3 views
1 x Normal defualt pilot view looking over the top 3rd of the instrument panel through the gun site.
2 x Instrument view, looking down with instrument panel filling screen.
3 x Pilot view with a wide feild of view.
hitting F6 will cycle through the various views in the order outlined above.
The defualt pilot view was set to give both a good field of vision and the best frame rates possible. The VC is a very complicated model; on the test PC setting the defualt view with only minimal instrument panel in sight gave a 10 FPS increase compared to a more common CFS3 field of view were the top half of the instrument panel is in view.
For those whol like the wider field of view you can fly in position 3 as outlined above. guns sight anilgment works in both pilot views.
Legal, this aircraft set or any part thereof are freeware and are not to be loaded to any site that charges any form of payment for download.
This set or part thereof should not be uploaded without prior permission from John Whelan. (AKA Bravo/4 on
Repaints are encouraged please give credits where required.
Aircraft include:
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 5th Staffel, JG-3
pilot: Lt. Horst Buddenhagen
Serial number: Black 7
Hostynne-Zamocs, Poland.
June 1941.
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 1st Staffel, JG-3
pilot: Hptm, Hans von Hahn
Serial number: W.Nr: 5458
Berditschew, Zhytomyrska Oblast,
July 1941.
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 1st Staffel, JG-51
pilot: ObLt, Werner 'Vati' Molder
Serial number: W.Nr: 9704
Stary Bychow, Dnieper,
July 1941.
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 2nd Staffel, JG-54 'Green Hearts'
pilot: ObLt. Hans Phillipp
Serial number: White 9
Leningrad front,
March 1942.
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 5th Staffel, JG-52
pilot: Unknown
Serial number: Black 4
Southern Sector, Eastern front,
May 1942.
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 3rd Staffel, JG-54 'Green Hearts'
pilot: Lt. Rudolf 'Rudi' Rademacher
Serial number: White 10
Leningrad front,
September 1942.
just a heads up that a new set of 6 Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich' have been uploaded to the CFS3 German aircraft section. Readme details below:
This download set contains files for six Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich' aircraft from the Eastern Front 1941 through 1942. to be added to any install of CFS3, Stock, MAW, ETO, BoB, etc.
Aircraft Credits:
The initial work for this pack was completed several years ago, then sat idle until John whelan took it under his wing and organised people to finish it all off.
This Bf 109F was converted from the original DR BF 109E model made by Gerard van der Harst.
Additional modellers who added in detail to the main external model were: Mathias Pommerien, Luca Festari, Tom Faulds.
Virtual cockpit model Luca Festari, with extra model work by Tom Faulds and Rob Stevenson. (External main model cockpit and converted virtual cockpit work.)
Main model Hi Res textures by John Whelan.
Virtual Cockpit textures by John Whelan.
Mos File by Rob Stevenson.
Historical adaptation and standalones by Rob Stevenson.
Flight model by Bill Wilson
AvHistory. org Flight Model V4.00.144
AvHistory weapons and sounds.
This pack consists of 4 folders worth of files.
Aircraft folder. (includes the 6x planes 1x Dr_engine_Sounds folder and 1x shared folder) simply drop these folders into your aircraft folder and allow overwrite if asked.
guns folder. (includes the files for the Mg17 and Mg151-15 armament) drop these files into your guns folder and allow overwrite if asked.
weapons folder. (includes files for the Mg17, Mg151-15, the 300l drop tank, 250kg bomb) drop these files into your weapons folder and allow overwrite if asked.
pylons folder. (includes the main pylons for the 250kg bomb and the 300l drop tank). drop these files into your pylons folder and allow overwrite if asked.
**NOTE** The included guns and weapons folder's contain the relevent AvHistory weapons files required for the Bf109F-2 if you are installing into a stock install of CFS3 or BoB addon, that does not already have the Avhistroy weapons pack loaded.
If installing into MAW, ETO, or Rising Sun addons or Stock CFS3 that has had the AvHistory weapons pack applied you "WILL" be asked to overwrite these files, as all of these addons include the AvHistory weapons pack as part of the addon.
It is safe to overwrite the existing files in your install as the included files in this pack are the most upto date versions of the AvHistory weapons pack.
For any assistance with installation please post on the Simouthouse CFS3 General Discussion forum.
Pilot views in game. there are 3 views
1 x Normal defualt pilot view looking over the top 3rd of the instrument panel through the gun site.
2 x Instrument view, looking down with instrument panel filling screen.
3 x Pilot view with a wide feild of view.
hitting F6 will cycle through the various views in the order outlined above.
The defualt pilot view was set to give both a good field of vision and the best frame rates possible. The VC is a very complicated model; on the test PC setting the defualt view with only minimal instrument panel in sight gave a 10 FPS increase compared to a more common CFS3 field of view were the top half of the instrument panel is in view.
For those whol like the wider field of view you can fly in position 3 as outlined above. guns sight anilgment works in both pilot views.
Legal, this aircraft set or any part thereof are freeware and are not to be loaded to any site that charges any form of payment for download.
This set or part thereof should not be uploaded without prior permission from John Whelan. (AKA Bravo/4 on
Repaints are encouraged please give credits where required.
Aircraft include:
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 5th Staffel, JG-3
pilot: Lt. Horst Buddenhagen
Serial number: Black 7
Hostynne-Zamocs, Poland.
June 1941.
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 1st Staffel, JG-3
pilot: Hptm, Hans von Hahn
Serial number: W.Nr: 5458
Berditschew, Zhytomyrska Oblast,
July 1941.
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 1st Staffel, JG-51
pilot: ObLt, Werner 'Vati' Molder
Serial number: W.Nr: 9704
Stary Bychow, Dnieper,
July 1941.
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 2nd Staffel, JG-54 'Green Hearts'
pilot: ObLt. Hans Phillipp
Serial number: White 9
Leningrad front,
March 1942.
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 5th Staffel, JG-52
pilot: Unknown
Serial number: Black 4
Southern Sector, Eastern front,
May 1942.
Messerschmitt BF109F-2 'Friedrich'
Unit: 3rd Staffel, JG-54 'Green Hearts'
pilot: Lt. Rudolf 'Rudi' Rademacher
Serial number: White 10
Leningrad front,
September 1942.