Messerschmitt Bf109F-2/Trop 1./

Messerschmitt Bf109F-2/Trop 1./ 2024-05-01

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Captain Kurt

Library Staff
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Captain Kurt submitted a new resource:

Messerschmitt Bf109F-2/Trop 1./ - Messerschmitt Bf109F-2/Trop 1./

Messerschmitt Bf109F-2/Trop by Design Team Daedalus

Unit: 1./JG27 El-Adem, Libya November, 1941
Pilot: Fw. Albert Espenlaub

There is no "standard" Bf 109F-2, as the production run underwent many small modifications and there were field implemented updates along the way. So each model we have created has it's own unique features.

Pstrany developed the models using Paul Rebuffat's Messerschmitt model - with permission - as a starting framework and updated the shape, and added a plethora of...

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