Messerschmitt Bf109F-4/R1 2./

Messerschmitt Bf109F-4/R1 2./ 2024-05-01

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Captain Kurt

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Captain Kurt submitted a new resource:

Messerschmitt Bf109F-4/R1 2./ - Messerschmitt Bf109F-4/R1 2./

Messerschmitt Bf109F-4/R1 by Design Team Daedalus

Unit: 2./JG52 east front, 1942
Pilot: unknown

There is no "standard" Bf 109F-4, as the production run underwent many small modifications and there were field implemented updates along the way. So each model we have created has it's own unique features. This aircraft had 2 field installed R1 rustzaste 20mm under-wing gondolas to increase the firepower and a field installed armored windscreen.

Pstrany developed the models using Paul...

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