A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Military - Jets
Description: The Schnellbomber Ia was a proposed high-speed bomber version of the Me 262 with the cockpit was moved forward and three additional fuel tanks for longer range. Use tailook to show bombs on the aircraft. Comes with 3 textures. A gray, green and brown and night.
Rebuilt from the stock CFS3 Me 262A-1. Exterior and Interior model reworked and cleaned up than the cockpit was moved forward. The model is on the basic side as just has moving parts and working VC. No LODs, breaking parts or mouse-able switches and levers. Uses MAPE auto spoiler gauge for the wing slats. Re-texture of Hauke Keitel "KiDI" XML gauges used for the engines. Re-texture done using CFS3 gauge textures so the engine gauges better match the CFS1 gauges used on the main cluster. Flight Dynamics are from Combat Flight Simulator 3 and could really use work IMO.
Also works in my copy of FSX Gold. I'm not a FS04 or FSX person so if change need to be made feel free to do so.
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