met OvS, ok, not really




had a sort of a strange dream the other night. i dreamt i was sitting in a bar somewhere. then i saw OvS sitting on another table with his wife getting a drink. he was in germany for vacation. although i don't know how he looks like i knew it was him, so i sat to them and we started a conversation. i have to admit that i was kind of excited, maybe a bit like MvR when he met boelcke for the first time. of course OvS didn't know who i was and we didn't say a single word about ww1 or bhah. instead we talked a lot of baseball. i don't know why, but in my dream he was a big yankee fan and we talked about a-rod and the overall gossip which has started against him. beginning with the new joe torre book and with a-rod admitting using steroids when playing in texas. i remember myself suggesting that teams should be banned or fined, not only players. because it's a strange coincidence that alone in texas i can tell you five players at least who used steroids. palmeiro, canseco, a-rod, ivan rodriguez for sure (nobody can tell me pudge can in his late 30s still have the same level of playing, while a catchers carreer usually ends latest in the mid 30s). so we talked about all this stuff. then he suggested to get outside and play catch a bit. he took his mitt outside and i was upset i couldn't find my catchers mitt, so i had to take my older, broken one. when we came back we talked a bit about different things, so he told me his wife is jewish (at least in my dream. of course i don't know in real). i said to them, cool. i am catholic, and i am always interested in all kind of religions, because every religion prays to the same lord, giving him only a different name and having different rites. and since the jewish are the root of every old religion i was very interested to learn. when suddenly some guys on the table next to us started to laugh and making jokes about jews. i kind of drunk, hill billy typos, looking for trouble. so first OvS tried to calm them down in his typical, diplomatic manner. but we both saw it made no sense talking to this piece of sh..., so we jumped at them and a fistfight started, and i woke up.
kind of strange, i know, but as i said, it was a dream. and who can control dreams? :engel016:.
You need therapy... ;)

But quite honestly, even though you never met me, you've got me pinned pretty close.

1. I am a Mets fan, but still follow the Yanks during the season, and get just as pissed when they loose as when the Mets loose. So I know all the names of the players on the Yanks, and rolled my eyes just the same when they boasted about getting Pudge as if he was going to put them in the WS.

2. My wife is Catholic, but of Polish descent... so who knows. I have many Jewish friends and feel the same way about religion... learning.. always always learning. I love conversations about culture and learning about what makes us human. I even like to ask the tough questions that most folks are ashmed to ask. I just had a conversation about Black History month about 5 mins ago and pointed out that it should not be called Black History because at this point, it's American History. So, always curious, and always learning. If I could be, I'd be Indiana Jones. ;)

3. I don't have an ego, that's for panzies. Diplomacy fist, then grab a Louisville Slugger. Pretty much explains my MO in life. I never start a fight, I don't think there is need to, but I would never let a friend down if he's in one... and I am the furthest thing from a door mat. If I could choose a dog that fits my personality, it would be a Doberman Pincher.

So in short... it's amazing that being from Germany, you actually picked up that much of my personality... oh... one more thing...

I was a Catcher on several Bar leagues in Daytona Beach, and my College Softball team. ;)

All the best, and thanks for the compliment. Thank God it wasn't a nightmare... I can't imagine you describing that... LOL!

Well.... Last night, I was flying a DH2 and shot down MvR and every pilot in Jasta 12 (even the DVII dudes) HA!

And that wasn't a dream!......... or was it?:wiggle:
If you insist on consuming large quantities of adult beverage, just prior to your daily sleep session. Then by all means purchase the product from a different distillery.

It has been proven, that when copper tubing is used, in the manufacturing of the condenser, such dreams are the normal result :sheep::sheep::sheep:
indeed it might have been the cheese. since i am catholic (i am croatian, only living in germany), knowing the lenten season begins on wednesday, i used every opportunity to eat as much meat and cheese and stuff like this as i could. so maybe it has indeed affected somehow my sleep. jeez.
when i thought about the dream afterwards, knowing you are from NY, and some days ago said something about the NY jets in a thread, i thought actually you can not be a yankees fan, because mostly people who like the jets, like the mets, people who like the yankees, like the giants. but since it was a dream, it does everything it wants.
honestly, i don't know where i know it all from. maybe the combination of cheese and the 90% unused brains. who knows? :wiggle:. maybe the old oracles in ancient times should have eaten more cheese to forecast a battle, instead of smoking some sort of weed.
by the way. i am a catcher (hardball) myself. played long years in germanies first division, which is comparable to some low A-ball in the states. right now playing 3rd division because of RL. and time issues practising.
but i am glad and a bit astonished, too about the sort of accuracy.

I once caught for a guy that used to pitch hardball, and asked if I wouldn't mind taking a few from him.

I wish I was wearing a baseball catcher's glove, it's a lot thicker... ouch... but it was cool. Spot on, right in the zone every pitch. I was very impressed.

I loved playing, I hate getting old. I just can't jump up and throw the way I used to. :(

I had a .700+ batting average as well. I never hit home-runs, but almost always got on first with little pokes right over the 2B's head. I loved running the bases.

jesus, i never reached beyond the magic .300 mark. but catching is fun and a man's position. You don't play catcher, wether you are a catcher or you are not. and the higher the level you play, the more fun catching is IMHO. sure, after each game you look like an old banana with all the bruises. but having pitchers, throwing 90+ gas without you needing to jump around like mike richter in his best days, is really cool. so you can really work with the pitcher against the batters weaknesses. i caught two years a knuckleball pitcher who played all his career AAA and some years in japan for osaka. really can you look like a dummy when you're reaching for a ball and suddenly it crashes against your mask because it danced up in your blind spot.:faint:
by the way, my old 3rd base coach once told me, when i'm on base, and he is jumping up in the air and stays there for at least 5 seconds, that would be my steal sign.:rapture:
so to explain my baserunning abilities.

Softball... softball. ;) I could never hit that with Hardball. The ball is 100% eaiser to see, even with fast pitch.

I was a good base runner because I played Defensive Back in football (American), so it was a lot of sprinting. Plus the base line is a lot shorter than hardball, but even with a small jump I could get to base on a steal. :)
