Metal2Metal / VRS


Has anyone heard anything about these guys - I loved their Mirage 2000?

We could certainly do with native versions of the C/D/N : )

Similarly VRS have not, it seems, entered the MSFS fray > their Super Hornet was a staple for me.
I think our only real hope for the M2M Mirage in MSFS is if Metal2Mesh work out a deal with a MSFS developer, similar to what Heatblur is doing with their F-14.
VRS' update schedule was slow enough (several months after a P3d update usually) that I can't see that working at all with MSFS, since it's not unheard of for one of the Sim Updates to cause issues with a bunch of 3rd party stuff, so the VRS software would be perpetually broken.

Plus, it doesn't seem like MSFS will support anything like TacPack any time soon (or ever, on the marketplace), and since there's already two free F-18's out there, I suspect the market for the Super Bug (especially at their price point) would basically be nonexistent.