
I'm loving these Russian giants! Thanks for the HU.
I shall be following closely.
Still awaiting the final release of Vlad's Mi-6, although I'm already happy as it is!
Thanks for the heads up! :ernae:
Just gotta remember that with this bird some assembly is required. There's the base pack (file 50497), the panel (50496), the sound (50493) and the effects (50498).
Not that I forgot to read the previous post or anything...[blush]

There are also a couple UT-Air repaints for Vlad's MI-6 that came up recently. Looks pretty sweet! :kilroy:
I just did a file compare on the two .mdl files and they're identical other than one line in the header area. It may be that the author uploaded the wrong file. Also, in my download, the .air file was misplaced into the model folder and had to be moved to the main folder.