MIAW is on a tear


Charter Member
I just Military AI Works have uploaded MCAS Miramar - the modern version with Marine F/A-18s.:salute:
Thanks for the update.
btw what does "on a tear" mean? Is this an expression new to me? Or am I just not hip?
"On a tear", as in "ripping along"....moving with enthuisiasm and a high degree of assertiveness, (in this case) creatively agressive and rapidly productive.....,"damn the torpedoes","Never tell me the odds",...etc, etc, etc...
Is anybody else having a problem installing the NEW Miramar package? The EditVoicePack mods go in without a hitch, the MAIW installer seems to work, but MCAS Miramar is just not in the ad-ob scenery folder when I try to add it to FS9. I've done this stuff, with other MAIW packages, a number of times in the past without difficulties, but this time I can't seem to get it right. Anything?

There is no add on scenery included with this one. We can't get to them all. There is a scenery set, a retro set available from the MAIW Top Gun retro package that is not meant to be used with this package but it can be used with it if you wish to enhance the base a little bit.

Everything is explained in the included Readme file.

BTW, MIAW might be on a tear but we're also chugging along quite well these days..... :D