Microsoft 'Flight' aka Fs XI?

That's the same teaser vid that's been out for the past few days. There have been some comments (mostly cynical or negative) in other threads here. We'll have to wait and see what additional details come out in the coming weeks.
I always knew my FS9 install would survive until the next flightsim arrived...
If this is it, well and good.
Even if not, FS9's still good for several years while something else pops up!

It's a Win-Win
Will I need 'Deep Blue" or better to run it? Maybe FSX is like Vista and Flight will by like Windows 7?
I have high hopes with this one. But i think it's gonna be a bit different than before :p


What you mean it will work straight out of the box when you buy it , now that would be a new direction. ;)
"PRETTY PICTURE SHOW".....however where is the "STICK AND RUDDER".??..for without realistic simulated, pilot input.its just a game!...I see an X-BOX influence here!...Smoke And mirriors!..and no "SIMULATOR" word mentioned.,,It may be a MICROSOFT FLIGHT,but who is the P.I.C.??.....Soon we will know!...My/our FS9,and the evolution its gone thru,with great talent like Bill Lyons,and so many others,will be on my system for a long,long, time...While FSX promised much,it left many wondering!..After BIG money to get it going,its still the Ole game of Frame rate chaseing.....So lets wait and see!..OH Yea!..Recommend ya hang on to your FS9,and all the great Art work many carry...just my Opeion!!.....Thanx!!.Vin