Middle is on the air tonight

Foute Man

Charter Member
Hi guys

Tonight I'll be hosting my weekly radioshow on Radio Tonka in Den Haag. Our friend Middle sent me some very good samples of his music so I'll be playing some tonight.

If you want to listen, I'll be on the air for two hours between 24.00 CET and 02.00 CET (= GMT+1). Before 24.00 and after 02.00 a computer is playing some random songs with no comments in between. If you hear somebody trying to make jokes (in Dutch) etc it will be me!!!!

Tonight I have as special guest my big brother and I'm looking forward to it

here is a direct audiolink: mms://live-wm.residentie.net/denhaagfm92.0. If you happen to miss this, the show will be in the audioarchive next week I guess. Will also send a link of the archived show when it's there.

Middle's music is great, it really is


Foute Man
If the audiolink above doesn't work, visit this page: http://denhaagfm.com/?id=7

In the right corner above you will see a button with the text "nu op de radio 92.0 FM"

Click on that button and a popup will appear playing the show as well

All I wanta know is WHERE's THE MONEY,lol!!! Seriously, I love the idea of my stuff being played in Europe.
Listening to it right now (1h46am)...great stuff Foute Man and Middle !!

Very glad some of you tuned in, nice to know people actually listened to my "program" outside Den Haag.

Special guest tonight was my oldest brother (13 years older), the Tuin Man (Garden Man) who obviously has had influence on my choice of musical hero's (we're both Bowie fans)

I had my brother choose the records, unfortunately I forgot my adaptor for my portable DVD, so no bootlegs of Rory Gallagher gigs. Gallagher is my brother's greatest hero and imo one of the best guitarplayers I ever listened to, I regret I never had the chance to see Gallagher live myself.

As you might have heart, things did not go perfect, but perfection is not what I'm trying to achieve: to have fun is my drive and I had fun with my brother (so I don't mind starting records on the wrong speed, or fading out songs to late)

Middle has at least two Dutch fans now, and I do envy Middle, cause I was playing his songs with the slide guitar, reading they were recorded in a very sunny place and it's cold now here in Den Haag.....wish I was somewhere else

John, I hope I communicated the correct email and that you will recieve some more response and fans and I hope more of your music is coming to Europe

Pretty sure next week's show will be totally different, because I have enough records to choose from.....and Nausicaa, I do like Belgium music from the 1980's very much. Seeing Brussel's finest band Front 242 is one of my best memories of the 1980's

groeten:ernae: :ernae:

ps: on the picture is just a small part of my music collection, sorry for the poor quality, blame it on my cellphone :kilroy:
Outstanding, FM....I'm sure you got the email right. I'll let ya know when the requests start pouring in. Great work, man!!!