Mig frenzy, a little OT

ian elliot

With the on-going Mig frenzy on the screen shot thread, i thought this might interest this forums Mig lovers, from my favorite spotter site, although not stricktly FS related, may inspire repaints and scenery makers :mixed-smiley-010:------there are also some intresting images of Bear intercepts by RAF Phantoms, but from the Soviet side,
cheers ian

Quite the lot of interesting photos, Ian. Thanks for sharing. I've been flying the Alphasim MiG-25 Foxbat around lately. There are numerous repaints out there for it, including some excellent variants and nationalities done by SteveB. I have a new panel for my MiG-25, with modern Russian gauges. Had to tweak it a bit to get it to work but it was worth the effort.

I have that Foxbat in my hanger also, it has to be the fastest plane FS9 can handle, around 1300mph 9 has anyone flown faster, and in what ) and i hav'nt a hope in hell slowing it down to land, its a beast for sure.
cheers ian
The Alpha Foxbat is one of the best IMO. For a very fast plane in FS, it is realistically manageable. It does cross the fence quick, have to admit but I can land the beast at just about any FBO that has a paved runway. I've been flying the MiG-25 for so long that I reckon I've just gotten used to the way she is... all of her graces as well as her quirks.... For an older model... she's still the best and still... the ONLY game in town.
