Mighty Howard II

Donation drives

SOH Bandwidth Drive 2025

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Staff member
It's that time of year again, so I decided to take another trip in Milton's Howard 500.

This time I started out at Merc Air's secret HQ in Rochford England in a company aircraft heading to Oostende Belgium to pick up my usual Howard 500. Nice hop across the channel and really didn't have a chance to let the Howard go. Still, it was a good start.
In Oostende, I collected up the "Western Express" Howard 500 and headed southeast to Bolzano Italy in the Alps. This time I got to let the Howard show it's stuff. I kind of tried different cruise altitudes while getting a feel for the aircraft as it's been a while. Once I got over the Alps, I found the valley that Bolzano sits in and flew down it a ways which gave me more room for a decent descent. All in all a nice flight and I'll have to figure out where to go from here...