Mike Sone's Bellanca Aircruiser - An oldie

...Does any one know of a good engine sounds for this one - 750 ho R-1820 Cyclone? ...
Hope this helps. An oldie but still a goodie; I use it on my Curtiss Hawk III, over at Flightsim.com:

FS2000 - FS2000 Sound FS2000 Generic Warbird Sound Set
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: wbird.zip Size: 4,344,885 Date: 04-13-2000 Downloads: 3,239
[SIZE=-1]FS2000 Generic Warbird Sound Set. Features the Wright R-1820-30 750 hp engine. Warbird enthusiasts will enjoy this set, it's loud and accurately reproduces this powerful engine's sounds. Sampled at 22,050 16 bit mono. A FlightSim.Com FS2000 Gold Seal Approved sound set. By Mike Hambly.
There's one of those in the old navy blimp hanger/museum at Tillamook Airfield in Oregon. It's a BIG plane in person.
Hey thanks Drzook. The sounds are great and I am using them. Very good.

Magoo: do you know it any one has pictures of it. I don't have a good comparison to match the size of the Aircruiser too. Did suspect that it was a large aircraft - just not sure how big.

Thanks and have a great day.

The Bellanca Aircruiser is one of my favorites from long ago.

For sounds I'm using Lawdog's Buffalo sound pack .....

F2A3 Buffalo Sounds (51) CFS2 Sounds
F2A3_Sounds.zip (5.32 Meg) (downloaded 1522 times)Sound files for the Brewster F2A3 Buffalo, edited to deliver the sound of a Wright Cyclone R-1820-34 9 cylinder radial engine. Both Coffman and inertia starter sounds included.
by Lawdog2360

The No VC panel from Milton's Spartan Executive seems to work fine for me.

Thanks Edmoore for bringing this classic to our attention again. :applause:

I can't get the link in your first post to work , love to get the CAF texture, please.

someone ask for another aircruiser?


available from my site shortly if Ed gives it the thumbs up :salute:

Don't want to step on any of the admirer's toes, but this aircraft appears to me like an Antonov An-2 getting her wings bent after performing some severe ground loops...

Quite peculiar...

Nevermind, :wavey: