Miles (Handley Page) Marathon repaint


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Hello all

I have started on a repaint for the Miles (HP) Marathon.
I find it a nice little airplane that sadly just "missed the boat" :frown:

This is the livery I am doing:

And here are the results so far:

I am looking for a bit of info on the following:
1/ What colour were the bands on fuselage and wings - orange or yellow?
2/ Did the lower wing area also have the coloured band - between the engine pods?
3/ Was there a registration added next to the roundels like in the screen shot?
Did they do that already in the end of the forties and beginning of the fifties?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Jaap de Baare (aka Spraycan)
That looks real good, but there's very little pics out there to help, im guessing the bands where yellow, i think the color on the pic is distorted over time. on most other ac of the time, the band go all the way round the wing, im also guessing the serial should be larger with 2 letters between the engines and the rest on the outer wing with the roundle moved a little towards the wing-tip.
just my thoughts, hope this helps, cheers ian
collour if i recall is called Trainer Yellow, was the same colour used on the ringed 'P' on prototypes pre and during WW2, the registration looks in the right place, that is on the band on the rear fuselage... yellow is as seen below:
Hi Jaap,


1) Those bands would have been yellow - standard pattern on most RAF trainer aircraft, until the dayglow orange pattern was adopted in the late 1950s/early 1960s

2) Yes, those bands would have gone all the way around. Added is a link for a Harvard in the same period colours:

3) Yes, there would have been registrations inboard of the roundels, as in your screenshot.

I do notice one additional thing: the roundels are the wrong model. Your current repaint is using A-models (blue 2/5, white 2/5, red 1/5); while the roundels applied on post-war aircraft were mostly the D-models (blue 1/3, white 1/3, red 1/3)
What Okami said!!

Colours can be found here

The correct font for use postwar would be this one.

Yes, those roundels are not right, the D-type as per Okami would be correct. And the ones on the lower wing would probably not have been as big as those on the upper wing, leaving more room for the serial. I'll have a Google & see if I can find some more reference pics.

Rubbish quality, but it does show a smaller underwing roundel, about the same size as the fuselage.
The new paint is looking good! Seems that the FS9 crew has come to your they do so well anytime anyone has a question.

Speaking of questions, I have three or four concerning this plane:

1) Who did it?
2) Where can I download it from?
3) Does it have a virtual cockpit?
4) How hard is it to crash the Marathon while flying upside down, under bridges, during a snow storm, on a Sunday afternoon in May?

Hello all,

Thanks very much for the quick response and helpful answers.
I've got some adjustments to make :mixedsmi:
With those links and info that should be no problem - great stuff !

I'll keep you posted.

Jaap (Spraycan)
Okay, I have changed the colour of the bands to yellow, changed the roundels to the 1/3 - 1/3 - 1/3 type and scaled them to the appropriate dimensions.
Used the proper font for the serial nr. and also added some detail like engine soot trails, more sheet seams and rows of rivets.


I believe the little RAF Marathon is looking better and better.


I see I have to add the yellow band to the flaps too.

Thanks again for the input guys.

Jaap (Spraycan)
Looking nice Jaap. :applause:

I still think that underwing roundel looks a little overlarge, but it could be a question of perspective; is it the same size as the fuselage roundel, as I think that would be the appropriate size (based on similar aircraft)?
Hi Andy,

You're right. That one slipped.....
They should be scaled down.
I'll see to it this evening.

No problem Jaap, happy to help. BTW RAF serials tended to be standard sizes, so if you look at the size of the underwing serials on (for example) Dave Garwood's Hunters you'll probably get an idea of the size of the serial for the Marathon - reducing the size of the roundel should give you enough space.

Really looking forward to this, it will fit nicely in my 1950-1960's FS9 install. :jump:
Nice addition to Peter Ls marathon

Hate to bump this up, but some folks had asked about Peters Marathong specifically the 2d Cockpit missing some bits, well Lars Fors has rebuilt the 2D cockpit in a much friendlier form and made a VCP for Miles Marathon -- They are available at the Pond for those who dont know by now.....Of COurse Peter Larkhams original Marathon is there along with a Four Gypsy Queen sound pack from Gary Jones.

Y'all enjoy
