Miles M3B Falcon Six

Dev One

This model designed for FS9 is now available over at the cbfsim library.
It is modelled with contemporary instrumentation of 1935 which has been deduced from sketches published at the time in Flight magazine.
It will portover to FSX with only a minor exception, & I understand that it will work in P3D.
So if you like flying 1930's style, maybe this is for you.
Have fun & happy landings.
Screenshot courtesy of DaveB.


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Miles aircraft were all gorgeous -- except for their windshields. I know they were to reduce reflection, but it's like a unibrow on a supermodel.
Quote ' I know they were to reduce reflection,'

Not according to Peter Holloway the owner of the Falcon Major - he says that its the only aircraft where he has been blinded by the sun with it behind him!!!
After WW2 DTD & ECC were modified make them 4 seaters & to have a one piece moulded windscreen, that was not raked forwards. As I have no interior photos of those now defunct aircraft, I will not be doing them.