Military heavies


So I've been away from MSFS for a few years having spent most of my spare time completing my SR-71 package for P3D V5.

Now I'm dipping my toes back into MSFS I was wondering if in the intervening period anyone has built any modern military heavies, C-130, C-141, C-5, C-135 type aircraft? I live near a base that has KC-135 and military cargo aircraft, and flying a Tweet from there just feels wrong no matter how good it is. :ernaehrung004:
So I've been away from MSFS for a few years having spent most of my spare time completing my SR-71 package for P3D V5.

Now I'm dipping my toes back into MSFS I was wondering if in the intervening period anyone has built any modern military heavies, C-130, C-141, C-5, C-135 type aircraft? I live near a base that has KC-135 and military cargo aircraft, and flying a Tweet from there just feels wrong no matter how good it is. :ernaehrung004:

So far I'm only aware of the C-17, which is freeware. The current version is nice, but they are about to release a much better one soon, with greatly improved cockpit and instruments, if my understanding is correct. Not sure when, something like "when it's done", I suppose :)

Other than this, I'm not sure there's much military heavies around yet.
CaptainSim released their C130 for MSFS by mistake, they probably intended to release it for MS Flight instead... so avoid that one as much as you can.
I think Milviz (whatever their name is now) is working on a much more appropriate C130 right now, but no idea about a release date.
Dean is working on a C-5, I'm sure (ly hoping) it will be out by the end of the year.
Then Blackbird/Milviz's C-130
There's a freeware KC-10 in the works...

That's all I can think of right now but who knows what else is floating in the aether :encouragement: