Milton Shupe and Teams Site - now back to life


Charter Member
Milton Shupe's site is now back online.

After many years of Milton providing the site and support he elected to focus more on his aircraft development projects and also remove the burden of running costs for the web site. I thought that his site was a genuine historical environment that needed to be maintains for prosperity and volunteered to migrate and preserve this important site for ease of access for the simming community, of course with Milton's consent.
After a very long pause, sorry :wiggle: ,the web site for Milton and his incredible team of developers is now back online.

This collection of outstanding, multiple award winning, aircraft is now again available for simmers to enjoy.

The migration was a long and complex process - over 620 htm files (many in MSWord), 530 download files imbedded in 318 directories containing over 7000 files. Thousands of url links to be ammended and rerouted.

But at last, I have got the site up and running - no doubt there might be some errors in there - if you discover any then please advise me by e-mail garry[at] (change "at" to "@")

Still a lot of subordinate htm pages to be converted/migrated - however, all pages are functioning and now ready for your browsing pleasure.

You can get to Milton's page via - click on the large advert for Milton's site and away you go - happy surfing.

Thank you Garry :applause: :applause:

What a blessing for Milton ( keeping his creations intact ) and for us . :jump: :jump:

Much appreciated.

Thanks again.

Thanks so much to Garry for helping us all to continue enjoying the works of Milton et al and their wonderful creations.


Very nice of you to host Garry. Nicely done. Milton has been a nail here for many years within the flight sim community. It's good to see you've done as you have. Cheers!

I notice one small issue that makes the page wider than it should be. Perhaps corrected by placing the cursor before the image and hitting "enter" and saving to reload ;-)
Thank you very much Gary. What a tremendous gift to the community, a great tribute to Team Milton and their seemingly timeless work, once again centrally available for all to enjoy.

Thanks Gentlemen,

Appreciate your kind words and pleased that the new Milton Shupe stuff is being well received - makes it worth the many, many days over several months of tweaking and tinkering to get it all up and running in a new environment.

For Navtech - yes a lot of golden stuff in the Mike and Milton sites that I now host on their behalf :adoration:- I would hope there is a perception of a modicum of gold also within my site.:santahat:

Being such an old horse in the flightsim community - since 1998, I find it hard to let Excellence just disappear from access for the simming community - therefore, preserving and maintaining Mike and Milton's stuff is just second nature for me.

Anyway, now Milton and his Team's efforts are again available from the one location.

Regards and happy simming
Hey Garry -- I'm sure Milton will be happy to hear you are taking charge of his "aircraft" and maintaining them in the finest facilities...LOL:encouragement:! You have also been a champion for our hobby and it's much appreciated. Thanks for all you do..:applause::applause:

Cheers -- BB686:US-flag:

thanks a lot for migrating and therefore preserving the site! And of course for all the work you have done for FS in the first place!

Best regards,
Great stuff Garry! But if I may, I'd like to make one small suggestion. The first entry at the top of the list is the new Dash 7 v.2 with the VC, while what appears to be the original version is at the bottom of the page. It might help those not as familiar with Milton's work if you were to change the labeling on each to differentiate the two.
Thanks for the feedback Tom,

I will check them both out and give them clearer definitions. Most of the conversion was Monkey See - Monkey Do - and with good feedback we can make the site worthy of the content.

Regards mate
Actually the newest version at the top is version 3.

Good idea to differentiate.

The top down list is actually listed chronologically newest to oldest.
