Milton Shupe Dash 7


Greetings and salutations to all from sunny (well it is today) Scotland.:salute:

Despite my joining last year this is my first post here at Sim-Outhouse, so please excuse my tardiness. I am, for my sins, the guy that runs The MATVA Group, a Scottish VA hiding in a remote corner of cyberspace. And I am looking to find out if there exists a paintkit for the latest release of Milton Shupe and friend's rather excellent Dash 7. Our VA uses one or six of these and it would be nice to have them all within one release rather than the present cargo and pax releases. I have found reference to a paintkit being here on Sim Outhouse, but for the life of me I can't find it. If there exists such a paintkit could someone please point me in it's direction.

The thanks of the MATVA Group go with you.:salute:
The paint kit will be released along with several new models, hopefully before year's end. :running:

We all took a nice long break from last year's overload of delivered products. :wiggle:

Thanks for your interest. :guinness:
New models too, definitely something to look forward to. Thanks for the prompt reply Milton. I shall now go haul our Air Kathmandu Dash 7 out of Paro. The painting of which prompted the search for the new paintkit.

Best to you and yours
Garry J. Smith Server

..wo kann ich denn bei Garry J. Smith auf dem Server die Modelle von Milton finden?

..wo kann ich denn bei Garry J. Smith auf dem Server die Modelle von Milton finden?



Man kann die Modelle von Milton Shupe schon hier bei Sim-Outhouse finden auf folgender Weise:
- Click auf "Add-Ons Library" (sieh oben)
- Click dann auf "Search Add-Ons Library"
- Schreib unter "Username" den Namen "Milton Shupe" und click auf "Search"
- Erscheinen wird die Erste von 5 Seiten mit insgesamt 88 Files (Modelle, Repaints usw.).
Viel Erfolg.


You can find Milton Shupe's models here at Sim-Outhouse doing the follwing:
- Click on "Add-Ons Library" (see above)
- Then click on "Search Add-Ons Library"
- Write under "Username" the name "Milton Shupe" and click on "Search"
- The first of 5 pages with a total of 88 files (models, repaints etc.) will show up.
Good luck.


Man kann die Modelle von Milton Shupe schon hier bei Sim-Outhouse finden auf folgender Weise:
- Click auf "Add-Ons Library" (sieh oben)
- Click dann auf "Search Add-Ons Library"
- Schreib unter "Username" den Namen "Milton Shupe" und click auf "Search"
- Erscheinen wird die Erste von 5 Seiten mit insgesamt 88 Files (Modelle, Repaints usw.).
Viel Erfolg.


You can find Milton Shupe's models here at Sim-Outhouse doing the follwing:
- Click on "Add-Ons Library" (see above)
- Then click on "Search Add-Ons Library"
- Write under "Username" the name "Milton Shupe" and click on "Search"
- The first of 5 pages with a total of 88 files (models, repaints etc.) will show up.
Good luck.


Danke Maarten!

The paint kit will be released along with several new models, hopefully before year's end. :running:

We all took a nice long break from last year's overload of delivered products. :wiggle:

Thanks for your interest. :guinness:

YES! I love the good old Dash 7!! Freighter, please! :)
