Milton Shupes Beech 18 in cfs3

Pat Pattle

Milton Shupe has very kindly put some of his source models up for use. I've taken advantage of this and with his pernission am converting his superb Beech 18 for use in CFS3. There's not a great deal of work in converting an FS9-destined Gmax model to CFS3 use, mainly naming conventions, hierachy and turning the textures into .dds format.

There's still a way to go before it's finished but I think it looks bloomin' great in the cfs3 world.

I know non-combat aircraft aren't everyones cup of tea but these a/c did important liason and transport work during the war and deserve a place in our little world of rememberance.

Thanks Milton! :ernae:

Pat, That looks good! Can you give the co-pilot a Tommy Gun to shot at the AI planes. LOL
hope to be able to fly soon.
Beautiful! If you need a tester, I'll sacrifice myself...

Wasn't it a Beech 18 that was used to recce germany before the war? Or an Electra? Something along those lines, anyway.
I always take a break from shootin things up and just put around doing touch & go's - the Beech will be very welcome.

The textures look pretty good now, what format are they? I thought CFS3 only supported .dds on the aircraft?
Hey Clive,

you clever sod!! I agree these sorts of planes would make a real intersting addition to CFS3.

you know my email address. :)

regards Rob.
If Milton's Twin Beech flies as good in CFS 3 as it does in FS 2004, then yall will have a real nice airplane there. It's one of my favorites and I've flown it around the world in FS.

Wow! Great work so far Pat. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this and hope everyone can get some pleasure out of this ole gal. :applause:

BTW, we are working on her cousin, the AT-11, and hope to have her kicking up virtual dust in a couple months. You will be welcome to her gmax source as well if you like.
Wow this is really wonderful! I only wish we had more stuff like this to port over to CFS3. Milton you're a nice guy for letting this be done, thank you! And of course a big thanks to you Pat for working on the conversion! :applause::ernae:
The textures look pretty good now, what format are they? I thought CFS3 only supported .dds on the aircraft?

I'm not sure of the exact type FS9 uses, some sort of extended bmp but using Martin Wrights converter it was easy to get them into .dds for our use.

What I like about fs9 models is the use of multiple texture sheets (there's 64 in this model) which allows a lot of detail. Miltons also used photographs which means we're looking at the real thing. :)

The A-11 looks great Milton and another generous offer thanks! :wavey:
Hi Clive,

yes your right the multiple sheets allows for extra detail, but it also means for CFS3 conversions there will be no visible damage in game as the .mos file can only work with one texture sheet.

but I can live with that if it means flying the B-18 in CFS3 :)

regards Rob.

PS Thanks Clive, smashing work your doing..
Wow! Great work so far Pat. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this and hope everyone can get some pleasure out of this ole gal. :applause:

BTW, we are working on her cousin, the AT-11, and hope to have her kicking up virtual dust in a couple months. You will be welcome to her gmax source as well if you like.

Hi Milton,

just want to say a big thank you for sharing your source files. there great looking aircraft models you have there, and will make excellent additions to the CFS3 world.

best regards Rob.
Thanks guys but it is Clive that's building the bridge to CFS3 and I appreciate that a bunch. :)

I have two Republic aircraft that were being prepared for the PTO before the P-47N came along as an escort for the B-29's. The gmax source is also available for conversion.

The xp47j is awaiting cockpit completion and the xp72 is still fresh as baby's breath needing exterior mapping and a cockpit.

hairyspin is converting one of my models but I forget which ... maybe the A-26B?

Thanks for sharing, that is a beautiful aircraft indeed. One of the things lacking in CFS 3 is a good selection of transport and utility aircraft. The addition of this aircraft will greatly improve immersion.

Thanks guys but it is Clive that's building the bridge to CFS3 and I appreciate that a bunch. :)

I have two Republic aircraft that were being prepared for the PTO before the P-47N came along as an escort for the B-29's. The gmax source is also available for conversion.

The xp47j is awaiting cockpit completion and the xp72 is still fresh as baby's breath needing exterior mapping and a cockpit.

hairyspin is converting one of my models but I forget which ... maybe the A-26B?

Holy Cow!!! Sure would love to work those in to this years PTO update.:medals:
