Pat Pattle
Milton Shupe has very kindly put some of his source models up for use. I've taken advantage of this and with his pernission am converting his superb Beech 18 for use in CFS3. There's not a great deal of work in converting an FS9-destined Gmax model to CFS3 use, mainly naming conventions, hierachy and turning the textures into .dds format.
There's still a way to go before it's finished but I think it looks bloomin' great in the cfs3 world.
I know non-combat aircraft aren't everyones cup of tea but these a/c did important liason and transport work during the war and deserve a place in our little world of rememberance.
Thanks Milton! :ernae:
There's still a way to go before it's finished but I think it looks bloomin' great in the cfs3 world.
I know non-combat aircraft aren't everyones cup of tea but these a/c did important liason and transport work during the war and deserve a place in our little world of rememberance.
Thanks Milton! :ernae: