Miltons Alpha Bleu Ciel F8F Bearcat upgrade pack


I recently installed this into my p3d v3.4 system and the windows in the vc are completely opaque. I have tried several versions of the ABC Bearcat from around the web and they all have the same problem. I was wondering if anyone had a solution that might make this AC usable in P3d. It was always one of my favorites in FS9.



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I have gone over my model as well. Everything functions in FSX/Accel. More specifically, nav and beacon lights show up, VC and exterior cockpit transparency is clear. This is an FS9 portover reworked to try to get it ready for the RTW Race 3 years ago. I can't remember for certain, but it's possible that P3D at that juncture was able to accommodate these older models or P3D was not a concern at that time and it was never tested in that Sim. If anyone else has more direct knowledge I wish they would speak up and assist here. I have the latest version of P3D and as you've obviously discovered, while the switches function, the VC does not respond to the alpha for the glass and the nav and beacon lights don't function.

Without any other input from someone who has this particular "revised" version working in the latest version of P3D. . .it is my assumption for the time being that as an FS9 portover it is not compatible.
Just to add to what I've already mentioned I had another member test it in an earlier version of P3D (V2.4) and his results were the same as mine. Unless anyone has information to the contrary I am staying with the fact that as an FS9 Port-Over it is not compatible.
Try this:
Drop it into the texture folder and allow to overwrite. What I haven't got yet are Nav and Beacon lights (which are part of the mdl file apparently). They work in FSX, but not in P3D and I have no idea how to correct for that.
Try this:
Drop it into the texture folder and allow to overwrite. What I haven't got yet are Nav and Beacon lights (which are part of the mdl file apparently). They work in FSX, but not in P3D and I have no idea how to correct for that.

Success! Thanks Falcon!

Well, after a little work. the file you gave was a dds file and all the existing textures were bmp files. I had to figure out how to convert the existing bmp texture files to dds (ImageTool from the P3D SDK), then drop in the file you provided, and then restart P3D again and it worked!

Still some work to do, the upgrade pack has no sound folder and many of the default gauges used don't exist in p3d but those are all things I am capable of resolving.

If after doing these things would it be of value to anyone for me to repackage my updates and re-release it as a P3D upgrade pack? With appropriate permission from and acknowledgment to all those who had worked on this before me of course.
Try this:
Drop it into the texture folder and allow to overwrite. What I haven't got yet are Nav and Beacon lights (which are part of the mdl file apparently). They work in FSX, but not in P3D and I have no idea how to correct for that.

BTW, for my own education, what did you do to that file?
Wow, that would be awesome !!

That, along with ABC's F4U-7 Corsair - now that would be quite a package !!!!!!

Wow, that would be awesome !!

That, along with ABC's F4U-7 Corsair - now that would be quite a package !!!!!!


Agreed but unlike the F8F, I have neither the gmax source for that nor the permissions for the Corsair.
Thanks for your show of interest.

My intention is to convert the Bearcat after my current Spartan conversion now in beta testing.