Milton's D18-Exhaust smoke on startup gone?


members+, Fighter Fanatic
I've been using the D18 as the workhorse of my Air Hauler company, and it seems the D18 was truly born for this role. A ton of cargo... anywhere... anytime... :d

However, using the cargo model, I don't get exhaust effects anymore. I always loved the realism of seeing huge clouds of burned up oil when the engine groans and cranks to life, which is what all old radials do on startup.

For some reason, that effect has disappeared. Anyone have an idea as to why it might have happened?
Look through your Effects folder and see if fx_msd18s.fx is still there. That is the exhaust effect used on Milton's D18s. If it is missing, I can send it to you.

Also, check the aircraft.cfg [Effects] section to make sure the effects line for start up looks like this"

startup = fx_msd18s

Did a bit of trouble shooting, and it turned out that the effects folder wasn't copied from my backed up FS9 folder to the new install. It's all ship-shape now.

On that other note, people should really invest in an external hard drive for their FS9 install. Simply copy the whole FS9 folder from program files to a drive (Mine was about 25 Gb), and it cuts the whole re-building FS process down quite a bit. Just re-install FS, and copy your Aircraft, Gauge, Module, and effects folders to the new install and finalize with your CFG backup, and you should be flying your old FS in no time. :ernae:
thanks for the nice dexcription of the external HD reinstall model.

Back to the D18, is there a trim wheel on the 2d or vc panel? I keep looking but I end up using key assignments instead.
thanks for the nice dexcription of the external HD reinstall model.

Back to the D18, is there a trim wheel on the 2d or vc panel? I keep looking but I end up using key assignments instead.

on Milton's -18 the elevator trim wheel is located beside the pilot's seat (see pic).

As with most aircraft with non-fly-by-wire controls (Cables, rods, etc.) trim would be set before takeoff with a visual check to confirm it (while the pilot has time to look down). For the rest of the flight, trim is a "feel" item as it is intended to reduce the need for holding pressure on the stick (or pedals for rudder trim) so there is no need for it to be readily visible so key commands work.

For a better and easier alternative if you have a spare 4-way hat switch on your joystick, this would be an ideal option as that is how most electric trim switches are mounted.

thanks Rob!
never thought to look back thar!
I use two ..difficult...buttons on the joystick for elevator trim and it seems to work well as long as I can tell how much I am dialing in.
On the CH Products yoke, I use the fore/aft Rocker switch for elevator trim, the left/right rocker for aileron trim.