Milton's Flightsimonline Closing June 2013

Thanks for the heads up, sir! Understand your reasoning, but at the same time... sad to see the doors close after all these years. (reckon Nigel and I will have to find another hiding place for all that ouzo we raided from young Matt's stash... :icon_lol:).

Cheers -- BB686:USA-flag:

What are your plans for the two XP-47 models ?? I have never seen any reference to them being
completed and published anywhere.
Although I fully understand your reasoning, I liked the site as it gave a such a nice clear overview of all your models.

Thanks for maintaining it all these years!

Thanks everyone. The website host has had its issues for the last year or so and in spite of lots of trouble tickets, they continue. We had several domains and now have discontinued all of them.

I have all the download files and raw page data so if anything is needed, maybe I can make that available.

The C-162 gmax tutorials will not be available so if anyone wants that, they better grab it.

I will be making all gmax source available again here at SOH if anyone is interested.

I have not done any design work since January/February; just needed a sabbatical.

I intend to finish the XP47J/H (VC work remaining), the Harpoon (awaiting Nigel's textures), and revisit the F7F series when I return. After that, we shall see.

There is a 2nd Dash 7 release awaiting textures that includes the final models. No dates when this might be available.
Shame about the GMax tutorial.
Might have to get in touch with Arno from FSDev to give it a new home...
Hi Milton,

You've created some of the most wonderful models for FS9 and I offer you a BIG BIG Thank You for all of them :salute::salute:.

Slightly off topic as this was never on the website I don't think, and that was/is the Italian Trimotor that Manuele(?) was looking at. Is that coming along still?

Thanks again,

Andy. :sheep:
Shame about the GMax tutorial.
Might have to get in touch with Arno from FSDev to give it a new home...

I will package and upload the tutorial here at SOH.

Hi Milton,

You've created some of the most wonderful models for FS9 and I offer you a BIG BIG Thank You for all of them :salute::salute:.

Slightly off topic as this was never on the website I don't think, and that was/is the Italian Trimotor that Manuele(?) was looking at. Is that coming along still?

Thanks again,

Andy. :sheep:

Thank you Andy; great team we have had to deliver the goods.

AFAIK Manuele is still working at the CANT Z
Thanks for the heads up, sir! Understand your reasoning, but at the same time... sad to see the doors close after all these years. (reckon Nigel and I will have to find another hiding place for all that ouzo we raided from young Matt's stash... :icon_lol:).

Cheers -- BB686:USA-flag:

...wait! what? again?....

be sad to see the place close it's doors Milton but yeah, cannot fault your logic :salute:
Thanks Milt!

I enjoyed perusing the site and discovered that I had never downloaded the Puss Moth. How in the world did I ever sim without it???? All your other aircraft have done sterling service in CFS 2 and FS 9 for years.
I will package and upload the tutorial here at SOH.

Thanks, Milton, I was just about to ask if there was an easy way to copy the C162 tutorial to a dvd, etc. I am currently going through these tutorials in a real attempt to conquer Gmax. I have been using FSDS for 13 years so old habits are hard to break. The hardest part in my case was I usually used the crossection mode in FSDS to start just about every object. There is no similar mode in Gmax, but, by taking baby steps I just did a fuselage with splines. Your tutorials are most helpful. :salute: :salute:

Best, Paul
I have downloaded the C162 tutorial folder and trying to decide the best way to package it.

It is 135MB, 29 folders and 621 files.

If you have MS Word, after downloading, you could change the hyperlinks to point at your folders, otherwise right now, the hyperlinks are useful to identify the folder for each exercise. Then opening that folder, you can simply open the index.html file to view the contents. A little cumbersome but not bad.

Not sure if there is an easier way than editing the hyperlinks once the package is downloaded though.
Also regarding websites, you can also open any page and do a "Save Webpage As" to your computer. Just create a folder for each page you save.
Sad to hear this. With out the C-162 gmax tutorial I would have never goten started. I've seen other tuts but they aren’t clear as yours.
Milton, would just like to join the others in thanking you for all your hard work over the years. I'll be sad to see your website go, it was a very useful "one stop shop" for some of the finest models available for FS9, but I understand and respect your reasons for doing so. Again, thank you.
Milton, would just like to join the others in thanking you for all your hard work over the years. I'll be sad to see your website go, it was a very useful "one stop shop" for some of the finest models available for FS9, but I understand and respect your reasons for doing so. Again, thank you.

Hi Milton,

I couldn't say it any better than Andy and all the others have done already. Thank you so much! :medals::medals::medals::medals:

Maarten :guinness:
Thanks for all the hours of entertainment. Simming would not have been the same for me without your models. And in my opinion your Dash-7 has to be the BEST model EVER made for sims-bar none.
Chuck B