Milviz Beaver: Inside-out Spot View?


When in Spot view many of the surface normals appear to be inside out and some items (note the passengers) are incorrectly located. This is in P3D v3.4.

This was a brand new install. The only changes I made are to 2-bladed prop with spinner. Everything else is as-installed.

Is anyone else seeing the same???

Many thanks.



I don't have it, but I think it's normal for the passengers and map to appear in hidden places within the aircraft until you select them.
The pax are stored in the empennage when not visible in their respective seats. As for the aircraft's skin appearing 'inside out' I would venture that it's a video card issue, as were the surface normal inverted this would happen to everyone...
Many thanks for the replies. This confirms it is just me, which was the object of the exercise. I'll go check for driver updates...

Hmmm, my GTX 1080ti is bang up to date with driver 381.65

Any further suggestions?
Try re downloading and installing again with your antivirus turned off

This is from the Milviz Website:

Warning: All Anti-Virus programs or software must be disabled before downloading and installing these products. Failure to do so may result in a faulty or non-functioning installation. False positives are very common and are not to be mistaken for actual viruses. We guarantee that there are no viruses present in our products.
Switched off antivirus, re-downloaded, uninstalled, re-installed, switched on antivirus. Same result! Really stuck now!
Doh, I'm getting the same thing with other aircraft! This isn't MilViz Beaver specific. My GPU driver is up to date. Any other ideas what might be at fault?
I'd delete the shader cache. You can find it under:

C:\Users\<YOU>\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\Shaders

Delete everything in and beyond that folder. On the next start, P3D will take a tad longer to load, while it rebuilds the cache. Then check.

HTH and cheers,
Well, this was quite an interesting problem ! I wouldn't have thought about deleting the shaders to solve such an issue, but it makes sense now that I think about it.
In P3Dv4, are the shaders still located in c:\...appdata\local\lockheed... ?
Well, this was quite an interesting problem ! I wouldn't have thought about deleting the shaders to solve such an issue, but it makes sense now that I think about it.
In P3Dv4, are the shaders still located in c:\...appdata\local\lockheed... ?

Yes, exactly the same.
That did it Mark! Many thanks indeed! :applause:

I should'a thought of that myself... :icon_redface:

Glad it worked. This can happen when you change graphic settings. It's always good to erase the shader cache after that. I made a link to the cache so I can access quickly it without wandering through the folders ("now where was that located...").
