Nice models incoming: https://msfsaddons.com/2023/02/26/b...fpQN5sbaKUbfPaL0s9vl26B5dN0J6AoeEhAmCivCrWUiA .

Milviz has a bunch of products being worked on at a given time, which sometimes makes it hard to track them all down. Remember the A-1H Skyraider? Earlier his year it was estimated to be out around March… clearly, that hasn’t happened, and we stopped hearing news about that aircraft… until now. Milviz revealed that the Skyraider has been sold to another company! We don’t know who, but it’s now up to them to release the Skyraider for MSFS. We’ll stay on the lookout!
I have their Islander and their PC-6 Turbo Porter - both are very high quality.