Milviz/Blackbird FG-1D Corsair Beta Update Available 27 Apr


Charter Member

I don't think this is valid for marketplace purchases, but for those who bought from Milviz directly, the rather significant beta update (a long time coming) is now available to try out.

UI overhaul - revised to be compatible with modern tooltips/interactions.
-Gunsight is now collimated
-FDE tweaks & changes to address concerns
-Carrier compatible tailhook added
-Sound set update
-Numerous minor changes and fixes.
-Exterior lighting rework
-Interior / exterior model separation
-Minor UI & tooltip adjustments
-Tailhook position adjustments.
-CHT behavior change - cowl flaps are needed with aircraft at idle on ground, where they have about 25 - 30C influence. Cooling effect of high speed can't be avoided, however. Engine now doesn't blow up until above 260C, now takes longer to do so.
-Compass changes to correct provide compass pointer behavior as per Kollsman Mark 10 Compass info: Thin needle is a compass needle, card is fixed, double bar pointer changed to retain ADF functionality.
-Parking brake interaction removed from tailhook.
-Canopy rail clipping fixed.
-Increased aileron trim effectiveness.
-Installer recognizes Windows 11 and now had a "browse" button to choose your install location.