I remember GSO back in the 70's when I would spend the summers at my grandparents farm west of High Point. My Grandfather would drive me over to the airport a couple of times before we went back home here in Wilmington. I remember the old terminal building off 68, Friendship, seeing a lot of Eastern and Piedmont Jets out there lined up, 737's, 727's DC-9's, etc. I also remember the old observation on the north side of the airport on a hill above/behind the control tower. It was a great vantage point to see runway 5/23. I remember those old 4 engine turboprops across the other side of the airport, I think they were Canadair CL-44's operated by Tradewinds Airlines which flew raw denim from GSO to other mills in the Caribbean then back into the US. That area has changed so much since those days, most of it nearly unrecognizable now. I haven't flown into real GSO in a good while. Last time was in a Cessna 150.