Milviz Cessna T-50.


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Copied from Milviz's Facebook page:

[COLOR=var(--secondary-text)][h=2]Military Visualizations[/h][/COLOR]
[COLOR=var(--secondary-text)]0fu8f23po831n1l0lo4mr28h ·


[COLOR=var(--primary-text)]Hi everyone!

We are looking to give our originally for FSX T-50 Bobcat 3DS Max models and textures away to to anyone that wants to do something with it for #msfs2020. If you are interested please don't hesitate to reach out to us via Private Message on any of our social medias!

#msfs #bobcat #development




16You and 15 others

[COLOR=var(--secondary-text)]4 comments






In promising news, //42 (Orbx partners and makers of The Skypark who are also working on an aircraft currently) stepped up to the plate in the comments. I hope that they take on the project!
In promising news, //42 (Orbx partners and makers of The Skypark who are also working on an aircraft currently) stepped up to the plate in the comments. I hope that they take on the project!

Oh, really? I love Bobcat :) so Im waiting for this port, I hope it will be free, not a part of Skypark....