Milviz F-100D Progress Shots (WIP)


Charter Member
MV F-100D FW-236 gets some elbow grease. (WIP) P3Dv3.1



The detail on these texture maps is mind boggling.

I've been doing some reading about the Misty Fac and CAS operations in SEA, and look forward to fly the Hun! I hope the FDE does represent some of the aerodynamical quirks the F-100 had.

aerodynamical quirks..?

.Aerodynamical quirks! you know how many rolls of toilet-paper can be stuffed in the air-brake housing of a 'Hun"..?
Around 1960 in Europe, a couple of low and slow passes by a pair of Super-Sabres left our base looking like a small snow storm had hit.
Had something to do with rivalry and friendly payback.......but those were great times none the less.

Fly High...Punch Holes in the Sky
Hehe, good story!

"Quirks" sounds a bit derogatory in hindsight, which was not intended. Let's say special characteristics!

I was growing up in the 1960ies / 1970ies and remember these aircraft and other contemporaries well. Where I lived, there were fierce air battles with Sabres, Starfighters, Phantoms and even Mirages almost every afternoon. Quite often you even had sonic booms. Hercules and Transall transports flying low level, Hueys, CH-53 and Cobras in abundance. All gone now. I don't know where the military does their flying today here, but it is a rare occasion to see or hear a jet fighter these days.

When I was in pilot training in 1971, I flew a cross-country flight to St. Louis. Landed at what then was the joint civilian/ANG filed. As I was taxing in a F100 took off. I thought he would never get airborne. That jet had the longest take off run of any fighter I have ever seen. I think only a fully loaded B-52 on Guam took more runway.
I grew up near Buckley ANG base in Aurora, CO. Home of the 120th Fighter Squadron in them days. Spent a great deal of time "under" F-100's and was lucky enough to get real close to them a few times as a Kid. A pair of Super Sabres on takeoff-roll with full blower is something you never forget. Leaves one heckova impression on you at that age!! It was a truly wonderful Jet. Ask anyone lucky enough to ever fly one.