MilViz F-4J/S and P3Dv3


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Has anyone have any luck on getting the MilViz F-4J/S to work in v3?
I have heard they were working on some update but this is old news...
Both Milviz Phantom packages work in P3D v3.1 but not in v3.2. As far as I'm aware they haven't updated them yet, but you'd have thought they would have by now.

I bought the two packages for FSX originally and in P3D I get the message that I do not have the licence to use them. Do you perhaps have the same problem? It probably means that you have to buy the planes again if you want to use them in P3D.
MV is working on a patch, its still in beta

Time frame for release, its not my place to say sorry

Jeansy, I just discovered that I have the exact same problem with the MilViz P-38L. Is a patch for that plane coming as well, as far as you know?