I dont think you can turn it off. Mips are created in the textures when compiled. You are given a slider to adjust their 'power'.
With Mips set at 5 or 6, you might experience blurries in terrain, especially with high detail terrain. Running them at 50% will usually do you well. Now if you have a water cooled, 10 Jiggawatt, 40 killajule, ultra computer with 20 SSD linked HD's, then you could probably run at highest setting with no problems and no blurries.
Mips, by the way, were created so that computers could run faster under the strain of all these textures. They basically 'fuzz' the texture (as I am sure you know) thus making the texture (when fuzzy) a low memory resource texture. Similar to LOD's (level of detail) models in some planes (like in CFS). When at a certain distance or angle, the blurry starts. Sometimes they can really look horrible...