Mirage 2000N package

T Square

Charter Member
Downloaded this Mirage 2000N package:

Mirage 2000 N Basic Pack (Category: FS2004 > Military) Zip file preview
61.30Mb (13803 downloads)
This is the long awaited Mirage 2000 N Basic Pack.this package include the Dassault Mirage 2000-N (N as nuclear) and features photorealistical textures, improved 2D panel, new sound package, differents payload models (by Roland Laborie)and exe install file.Full Package by Jonathan "Rooster" Hilaire.
Posted Aug 7, 2008 17:36 by archive

I have question about it and was wondering if anyone might have an answer: When I installed it I noticed it has 43 texture folders, but the ACFT Config only has entries for 17, what about the other 26 texture sets ? I have looked around and have not seen any updates or fixes. I hate to delete the 26 texture files, someone went to a lot of trouble to create them, but there are 9 different models and without more info I am lost. Does anyone have a ACFT config that contains all the texture entries or a link to whatever it is I have missed ?
If memory serves... there is a second download for the Mirage 2000 N called "The Meeting Pack". This set contains several models and alot of additional textures. The two downloads together might end up with about 40 or so textures and multiple model sets but this is the only thing I can think of that comes close to what you are getting on about.

Did you download the Basic Pack from Roland's site? My copy of the Basic Pack had only about 20 or so texture files, and the Meeting Pack... about another 15 - 20. Perhaps this is a newer release? I would PM Frank S. and ask him. I believe he also hosts Roland's work on the Mirage for Flight Simulator website.
