Mirage 2000N Tweaked


Charter Member 2011
Sometimes a small file available for download can start a little adventure.
Case in point was a config tweak for Jonathan Hilaire and Roland Laborie's superb Mirage.

He has updated weights and their positions, flight dynamics, engine parameters, and more

Time to see if they make the necessary difference

We got to 30,000ft in 65 seconds from brakes off

Aah you are too trifling for my superb nuclear-tipped Mirage, my friend

Back to Istres, letting down over Marseilles

Always a chance for that last 5km flat out at wavetops

Bit of a bounce on arrival I'm afraid

The verdict?
Feels more like the Mirage I had imagined!
File is mir2ncu.zip at flightsim.com
Thanks for the Tip Wing_Z

I just installed it and made a test flight.
It works perfectly.

By the way if you love the French Armée de l'Air you can download detailed sceneries of most important French Military Air Bases at
"French Air Force" Web site.


From this website I personnaly installed the sceneries of :

Mont De Marsan

All sceneries are superbly made but some are a little heavy on FPS.

Finally be advised that the FS9 single seater Mirage 2000-5/9 is
coming soon :


Thanks gents, she is beautiful, oui?

VaporZ, thank you for the links, be hard to hold back on the next bout of screenshot diarrhoea!
As I said recently, one never knows how and where FS is going to draw you in next!
I've downloaded your suggestions - a nice spread over the country it seems.


Is there any military AI available for these?
Hi Charl

Quite a bit around, having trawled through looking for a bit of Armee del'air stuff a while back, given the wifes family lives 10 minutes from BA105 Evreux (Fauville AB) hence the forum name.

Most I found on Avsim, so you may have to wait.

MAIW FAF Mirage F1 pack
Get ai_de_havilland_dhc6.zip, dhc6_frenchairforce.zip and dhc6-faf_v10 for FAF otters
Get the HTAI c-130h and H-30 french and french camo models for some c-130 action
aiver_cn235_220.zip and aiver_cn235_220_faf.zip
e3-faf_v10.zip and elvis_e-3F for awacs from Avord AB

m2000-ai.zip and m2000bn_ai.zip plus cambrai_adla-ec012_v10, m2000-faf-ec002_v10, nancy_adla-ec003_v10 for Mirage 2000 action
theres a C-160 ai model somewhere with FAF paints
AI_Militaires_20022005.zip with various ac and fplans

Sure there's more, done a few of my own fplans for the E-3's out of avord, C-130 from Orleans, c-160 out of Evreux
Just a reminder Gentlemen, MAIW are hosting their own files at least for the time being. Just downloaded the MAIW French Mirage F1 :ernae:
Frank's 'Mirage4FS' site has a lot of the scenery you're looking for.

Well Fauville has very kindly stepped into the breech, and passed along some AI bits to make this all come alive.
Merci, mon ami!

Now, does anyone know of a c135 tanker, either AI or flyable, for a little a2a refueling?

EDIT: Oops :redf: I actually have one, now time for a little video fun.
Yes indeed, am working my way through the bits.

Following on:
Having played with the A2A refuelling, I wonder if there is an AI c135 with animated hose+drogue?
The one I've used takes off with them dragging behind.
I had a VC10 which deployed them above 16,000' which gave a nice authentic feel.
Good source, thanks Ian, they have all sorts there.
I think I may have used one of them with hoses out.
Not sure what it would take to animate an AI plane to extend them above say 16,00ft.