Mirage F-1 Repaints from VaporZ


Charter Member
Good Day from Québec !

I am now releasing a series of repaints I have made for the Kirk Oslsson's superb FS9 Mirage F-1C-200.

During the first 15 years of operational carreer with the French "Armée De l'Air", Mirage F-1C-200 were very colorfull, including french national roundels with yellow outline, red and yellow walkway lines, red painted intake lips and full colors squadron markings.

My first release is for "30-FI / 205" Mirage F-1C-200, 30e Escadre De Chasse, Escadron De Chasse 3/30 "Lorraine", Armée de L'Air Francaise,
Cambrai Air Base, 1974

FS9 Mirage F-1C-200 from Kirk Olsson
Repaint from Guy LeVasseur alias "VaporZ" / glevass21@globetrotter.net

This repaint is available for the "Clean", "Center Tank" and "Wing Tanks" options here :


Many other French and Export Mirage F-1 repaints to come.
Stay tuned ! and Enjoy !

Many thanks VaporZ!
Je me dois d'apporter une petite correction dans la mesure où les F1 du Lorraine n'étaient pas basés à Cambrai (12ème escadre de chasse) mais à Reims.
J'ai néanmoins hâte de voir le reste des décos!
Thanks for the info Gribouill

My mistake, you are absolutly right.

I will update the historical reference on my "read me first"
instructions for this repaint.

And I have reopen the boxes where I keep my full collection
of "Air Fan", "Air Action" and "Air Zone" french magazines for
future cross reference.

Merci encore pour la correction
A couple of changes you'll need to make in order to get the aircraft to load:

title=gmaxf1C-200 clean 30-FI // "title" line must be unique for each
description=Gmax F1C\n\n ---by Kirk Olsson---\n\n
ui_type=Mirage F1C-200 (Medium VC)
ui_variation=30-FI clean // "ui_variation" line must be unique for each
atc_id=205 // might as well match the tail texture art
atc_airline=Air Force
atc_flight_number=FI //30-FI

title=gmaxf1C-200 center tank 30-FI
model=center tank
description=Gmax F1C\n\n ---by Kirk Olsson---\n\n
ui_type=Mirage F1C-200 (Medium VC)
ui_variation=30-FI center tank
atc_airline=Air Force
atc_flight_number=FI //30-FI

title=gmaxf1C-200 wing tanks 30-FI
model=wing tanks
description=Gmax F1C\n\n ---by Kirk Olsson---\n\n
ui_type=Mirage F1C-200 (Medium VC)
ui_variation=30-FI wing tanks
atc_airline=Air Force
atc_flight_number=FI //30-FI

I could not get the "clean" version to load since there was not a "clean" model in the "gmaxf1C-200" folder on my system. Since the visual model in the image above does not have the refueling probe (-200 serial numbers and up), I suspect it is found in another folder, "gmaxf1c" maybe? Will have to look into that -- might just be my system since I install and uninstall a lot of Mirage aircraft.

Very nice paint otherwise. Thank you VaporZ.
I don't have the "gmaxf1c-200" at all - but I do have the "gmaxf1c", so I used that instead.
Works fine.

I don't have the "gmaxf1c-200" at all - but I do have the "gmaxf1c", so I used that instead.
Works fine.

Ah, I remember now. The "gmaxf1c-200" folder was part of a "light" release Kirk did at my request to provide more visual models. It came out shortly after the main FS2004 release (F1V25.zip) and the follow-on patch (f1v25patch.zip). It included a single texture set and two external models -- one with a centerline tank and one with wings tanks. It aliased the default Lear45 sounds to keep the file size down.

If you can't find "f1c200.zip" at the usual places you can get it from my website. Just look on the Mirage F1 page and scroll down to November 2005. I think I link you to Avsim's download page anyway. But that still won't get you a "clean" version. For that you'll have to use the F1C as described further up.
Good day,

Mirage F-1EDA coded "QA-76 / F", Qatar Emiri Air Force,
Doha International Airport, Qatar, 1989

FS9 Mirage F-1C-200 from Kirk Olsson

Historical reference material from Air Fan, Air Action and Air Zone french magazines, World Air Power Quarterly, Aerofax Minigraph No.17 Mirage F-1 from René Francillon

Repaint from Guy LeVasseur alias "VaporZ" / glevass21@globetrotter.net

During 1983 and 1984, the Qatar Emiri Air Force received 12 x Mirage F-1EDA and 2 x Mirage F-1DDA for its 7th Squadron.

These Mirage F-1 have a unique brown/sand/light blue camouflage, inherited from previous Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar Hawker Hunters.

Due to the very small size of the Emirate of Qatar, these Mirage F-1 were flown in a "clean" configuration most of their operational life, with the exception of their participation in the first Gulf War of 1991.

These Mirage F-1 have been later sold to Spain, to be replaced by
12 x Mirage 2000-9, 9 x single seaters and 3 x twin seaters.

QA-76 repaint availaible here :


Good Day 2 !

Mirage F-1C-200 coded "5-NP/207", Armée De l'Air Francaise
5e Escadre De Chasse, Escadron De Chasse 1/5 "Vendée"
Orange Air Base, 1980

FS9 Mirage F-1C-200 from Kirk Olsson

Historical reference material from Air Fan, Air Action and Air Zone french magazines, World Air Power Quarterly, Aerofax Minigraph No.17 Mirage F-1 from René Francillon

Repaint from Guy LeVasseur alias "VaporZ" / glevass21@globetrotter.net

During the first 15 years of operational carreer within the French Armée De l'Air Mirage F-1C-200 were very colorfull, including french roundel with yellow outline, red and yellow walkway lines, red painted intake lips and full colors squadron markings.

5-NP repaint available here :



My thanks to Frank Safranek for the correction informations
to the Aircraft Cfg file and other interesting matters concerning
the different versions of Kirk Olsson's Mirage F-1.

By the way Frank, I am actually working on a F-1 of EC2/5 "Ile De France"

The one illustrating your website upper left corner page here :

Best regards
If anyone's interested, these skins also work perfectly in FSX.

My thanks to Frank Safranek for the correction informations to the Aircraft Cfg file and other interesting matters concerning the different versions of Kirk Olsson's Mirage F-1.

By the way Frank, I am actually working on a F-1 of EC2/5 "Ile De France"

The one illustrating your website upper left corner page here :

Best regards

Thank you. That is one of my favorite Mirage F1 images. I scanned it
almost 10 years ago when I first started the website from the cover of
the English magazine Scale Aircraft Modeler, Volume 1 Number 4. If
you want a better image let me know.
Just a note after reading the included documents in these new repaints.

The "title=" line must be unique for each and every texture set in the file. That said, Kirk already used "title=gmaxf1C-200" so that must be changed.

Same goes for "ui_variation=" line. As the lowest level differential, it also must be completely unique for each and every texture in that folder.

Otherwise the aircraft won't appear when you go to select aircraft.
Thank you. That is one of my favorite Mirage F1 images. I scanned it
almost 10 years ago when I first started the website from the cover of
the English magazine Scale Aircraft Modeler, Volume 1 Number 4. If
you want a better image let me know.

Well Franck ! ..... what a bizarre situation !

Among many reference material I acually use, I have on my desk right now
British magazine "Scale Aircraft Modelling", Volume 1 Number 4, January

As metionned before I am a Flightsimmer for the past 7 years, but I
am also a Plastic Kit Modeller for the past ..... 40 years !!!!

In fact, I have a Military Aviation "Reference Material Heaven"
downstairs !
Just a note after reading the included documents in these new repaints.

The "title=" line must be unique for each and every texture set in the file. That said, Kirk already used "title=gmaxf1C-200" so that must be changed.

Same goes for "ui_variation=" line. As the lowest level differential, it also must be completely unique for each and every texture in that folder.

Otherwise the aircraft won't appear when you go to select aircraft.

Hello Franck
For your information

you can also like or french flightsimmers identified each unique
version by adding a single letter after "title=gmaxf1C-200"
like for example :


with the proper following number on the Flightsim ID
and accurate ui variation ID

It works well with me.

I will update my installation instructions with more precise
information and inform everyone about it on this thread.
VaporZ, thanks for these paints.
I'm looking at the tail insignia and I see jaggies.
Is this my screen setting or your paint programme?

Concerning your comment Wing_Z its probably both.

I am no repaint expert and I am certainly not a screeshooter expert.

Just a passionnate Military Aviation Historian who likes modern combat aircrafts and FlightSimming.

I am on a constant learning curve.
May be you can help me with settings that could permit me
to produce "crystal clear" repaints and screenshots !

Thanks in advance !


can anybody tell me which bitmap to eliminate or chnage,that this intrussion/shadow dissapears in the VC view FSX SP2??





Mirage F-1C-200 coded "5-OJ/208", Armée De l'Air Francaise
5e Escadre De Chasse, Escadron De Chasse 2/5 "Ile de France"
Orange Air Base, 1982

FS9 Mirage F-1C-200 from Kirk Olsson

Historical reference material from Air Fan, Air Action and Air Zone french magazines, World Air Power Quarterly, Aerofax Minigraph No.17 Mirage F-1 from René Francillon, Scale Aircraft Modelling Volume.1 Number.4

Repaint from Guy LeVasseur alias "VaporZ" / glevass21@globetrotter.net

During the first 15 years of operational carreer within the French Armée De l'Air Mirage F-1C-200 were very colorfull, including french roundel with yellow outline, red and yellow walkway lines, red painted intake lips and full colors squadron markings.

Repaint available here :

Well Franck ! ..... what a bizarre situation !

Among many reference material I acually use, I have on my desk right now
British magazine "Scale Aircraft Modelling", Volume 1 Number 4, January

As metionned before I am a Flightsimmer for the past 7 years, but I
am also a Plastic Kit Modeller for the past ..... 40 years !!!!

In fact, I have a Military Aviation "Reference Material Heaven"
downstairs !
I hear you, "throw nothing away". I have a garage full of boxes of reference materials (and a lot of unbuilt kits). :icon_lol:

I got that copy of the magazine from a model shop in the London area on a trip over there some 20+ years ago (actually it was the week of Charles and Diana's wedding -- stood in from of Buckingham with everyone else and saw Charles heading out but that's a story for another forum :icon_lol:). Anyway I went to that hobby shop because their ad in the current issue of SAM included the name of the nearest Tube stop. So I'm in the store looking through a binder of old issues of SAM and being a Mirage freak I ask if I can buy that one. The owner realized I'm not from around there because of my accent (or lack of), calls the publisher to verify they have some available to replace his copy, and lets me buy that one. I was "chuffed to bits" as they say. He will surely not remember me but I will always remember him.