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Hello Friends,

On the Gmax academy website, a new plane, and a curious one. The Mirage III V (for Vertical), prototype one and "wht if" liveries.
As the website is in french, look at the right side of the screen ("Nouveautés") and click on the link.
or go to "les projets".


Don't know if it's just me, but the zip file seems to be corrupt (tried d'loading twice). Anyone else having any luck ?
The problem is that the files are named Zip and the real format is rar.
The solution is to basically rename the files, switching from a zip to a rar.

GA_MIIIV_9.zip has to be renamed GA_MIIIV_9.rar
GA_MIIIV_X.zip has to be renamed GA_MIIIV_X.rar

Sorry for the inconvenience.
I will ask Philou, the webmaster to change the name of the files.
Wow! I didn't even know Gmax academy was back in business!

Compliments on the site too, great to have a little entertainment while waiting for the telecharge...
Congratulations on the support for FS9, too!
Thanks for the HU, Pierre, I've always admired your work, absolutely top rate.
A hanging Mirage...mmm, where to look for a decent Clemenceau?
.......or Foch or maybe even an Invincible..thanks for the heads up as this is quite different.
Hi friends,
thanks for your comments and nice messages.
For the Clemenceau or Foch, our friend Fro' (sylvain) did a nice one. You can find it there
look at the "FSX navires" section.
Fro' is doing an amazing job on some projects.
He is working on the new version of the clem' + the new Big E http://forum.gmax-ac.fr/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1039

THe next release will be the karakorum (chinese trainer), if possible next week end, and then the Mirage 2000 familly.
In the pipe, the Etendard familly, the Spartan C27, and the Rafale.

And congratulations to administrators and moderators for their excellent job.
Wow! I didn't even know Gmax academy was back in business!

Compliments on the site too, great to have a little entertainment while waiting for the telecharge...
Congratulations on the support for FS9, too!
Thanks for the HU, Pierre, I've always admired your work, absolutely top rate.
A hanging Mirage...mmm, where to look for a decent Clemenceau?
Zut Alors! I am enjoying Le Balzac! Although the thumbs dbs. screwed up the aircraft menu. delete dbs. file from textures and drop new thumbs in. A nice Le clem can be found at Flight sim. com for AI carrier. I also found an AI file at FS shipyards(I think) that places her in a track off Brest. Ther is also a nice static and AI PAN CDG at FS.com.

Bonjour Pierre.

This is excellent news. Thank you very much. Downloading now...
And looking forward to the upcoming Etendard set and the Rafale.
OK I am having a little trouble getting it down...
I barrel in close to Mach 1 at low level and pop the airbrake which is like hitting a brick wall.
Then flaps come out, fairly rapidly, to provide lift.
It then doesn't really want to descend, and at some point goes beserk.


Rob Barendregt springs to mind, I'm sure one could cannibalise some stuff and cobble it together to make it hover and transition nicely - it's a lovely model to look at.
THe next release will be the karakorum (chinese trainer), if possible next week end, and then the Mirage 2000 familly.
In the pipe, the Etendard familly, the Spartan C27, and the Rafale.

Hi Pierre,

Will the new releases have a VC??

Thx for the nice Mirage!

Rob Barendregt springs to mind, I'm sure one could cannibalise some stuff and cobble it together to make it hover ......
I hope nobody does, because then they will find an angry "me" on their path.

However, if the author contacts me, I'm certainly willing to do a port of my VTOL function for this aircraft, since it looks very good judging from the pictures here.

I hope nobody does, because then they will find an angry "me" on their path...
Why Rob, I never for a moment was considering anybody other than yourself...glad we got your attention, and do hope there is no angry "you" anywhere on this path!
Why Rob, I never for a moment was considering anybody other than yourself...glad we got your attention, and do hope there is no angry "you" anywhere on this path!

But seriously, to properly make that I do need some input from the model designer (wrt. animations and such).

:ernae: Rob
Stellar aircraft Pierre, thanks for pointing us in the right direction, alot of fun to fly indeed! Cheers! Mike :applause: