Mising some dds files


I have an airbase calling for ACC_runway_black.dds and ACC_square.dds, neither of which I can find in any of my installs. Anyone have such dds files?
Hi James, IIRC there are separate folders for airbase files in ETO. The dds, and mos files for the ACC airbases are in there. Not in the traditional fxtextures or assets files.

I tend to reorganise the files when I install ETO so that all the airbase dds files are in a sub-folder. This eliminates the potential for duplicate .dds files (also a reason for organising the aircraft/shared folder dds files as well). There is also the odd airbase spelled incorrectly, then correctly leading to unwanted testures.
OK I get you, but these dds files are requested in a mos file, whose origin I am still trying to work out ( ACC_Hunsdon_1941), so I have searched throughout all 4 of my SSDs or HDs with out finding any variety of those dds files asked for by the mos file. That's the issue.
I probably will try and redo it. I have found some unfinished gmax files in my PC, but I still am not quite sure of the origins, although maybe Clive?