Missed textures

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Charter Member 2012

I´m have a problem with textures for Ford Factory and Orcas Island scenery from "Ford Tri-motor.net".

I trying to use the scenery in my FS9 copy, FS Goldwing 3.

I´m tested the scenery in my other copy of FS9, FS Silverwing and in that sim, the textures is OK

Include screenshoots so you can se.

Best Regard


Sorry about the missing textures! Suggest you install the UPDATED Kors/Kerv scenery in your second install. Good luck. Take care.
Please let know if the problem is not solved. Want our users to be happy with it....smile.

missed textures

Hi edmoore235

I have downloaded the Kors-Kerv scenery twise to day (25/3-2012) and is inkluded the update. + Ford Factory scenery.

In the Kors-Orca rarfile I have "Add-scenery, aircraft & Effects folders

In the Ford Factory rarfile I have Ford Factory/Addon scenery, Aircraft and a texturefolder . The lone texturfolder is emty.

I have 3 copy of FS9. Original install, one copy I call FSGW3 (FS Goldwing 3) the 2nd copy I call FSSW (FS Silverwing)

In FSGW3 is for period 1903 - 1945. FSSW is for 1946 - 1960´s and FS9 1961 to date.

The FSSW copy is the only sim that the Kors-Kerv + Ford Factory scenery is OK.

In the FSGW3 and FS9 I have missed textures.

I like your scenery, is very nice. I have a soft spot for the vintage period.

Best Regard
Hi Mate,

I have had a quick look at the images you have posted - what stands out most is the "black squares" - they are actually models that have been used to place ground images - such as the runway and taxiway markings, aircraft parking dirt, pedestrian crossings etc. They actually have two different images on each model - one on each side and they are position using "a pitch function within the Scenery creation process" to select which side is to show. You see in one of your images you posted a speed limit of 20 in a circle.

The curse is that these are designed to work only with genuine FS2004 product. I suspect your GW3 version is in some way causing these objects to not work correctly and it is not showing other textures for unknown reasons.

Because this scenery works with your SW version it implies that all textures and the overall scenery pack is complete and has all textures required. I do not have GW3 so I can not do any testing or debugging for that particular add-on - sorry.

missed texture

Hi Garry

Thanks for your reply.

Well - I have to live with that., use the scenery in FS SW with the AI Ford Tri Motor in EAA paint.

If you don´t know. The FS Goldwing is a add-on by Bill Lyon´s team. I have this for many years now. It is a good scenery to fly vintage airplanes, you don´t meet any jumbojet in the sky :).

Best Regard

Hi Mate,

You can remove/Turn off the objects called which are giving you the black box effects by renaming:

In your Ford-Factory/Scenery Directory.

bunting.bgl to bunting.OFF
FFAC-AC-Parking.bgl to FFAC-AC-Parking.OFF
FFAC-Dirt.bgl to FFAC-Dirt.OFF
FFAC-Crossing.bgl to FFAC-Crossing.OFF

This will remove the objects and affect the following.

Bunting on the hangars and other buildings
All the tarmac markings - speed limits, welcome signs at end of each runway, parking stains for both tarmac and dirt areas.
The large area of Dirt near Dearborn Inn
The black/white, and yellow/clear pedestrian crossing markings.

Any building outside of the airfield that do not show would be possibly be related to other project addons - such as the Must Have list of addons in most sites - If your having no problems in the other versions with the buildings outside the airfield and are having some problems with the GW version then you might want to do a comparison of the bgl's and textures between the versions.

Anyway mate - that is about all I can offer to help make the scenery suitable for your GW environment.

Gentlemen - please excuse me for butting into this thread but it seemed an opportunity to raise a further query with Gary. Have downloaded into a standard FS2004 (ie no Golden or Silver Wings) and no missing textures.....but no AI Ford Trimotors have appeared in the skies around either ORCA or Ford Factory.I know they are in my aircraft folder as I can select them as flyable AI but they just don't show otherwise. Think I have installed everything correctly.....respective airports to Addon Scenery (with ORCA above Factory), Aircraft to Aircraft and Effects to Effects ..although I don't know what to do with the empty Texture folder in the Factory package. What I have subsequently done is put the respective Traffic files into Scenery/World/Scenery but the AI didn't show before I did that anyway.

Am I misunderstanding something or do they only appear at certain times?

Notwithstanding this minor niggle, I think both sceneries are great and will stay on my setup even if they remain empty of Trimotors so thank you very much indeed.
Hi Mate,

For your info the Ford AI traffic will not show in FS2004 until you have set AI Traffic to at least 95% plus -traffic files should remain in their respective Scenery Directories.

Because the scenery is very complex and busy with a lot of complex modelling the AI Traffic is fairly light - mostly set to one or two travelling or circuiting on the hour.

If you look at the FlightPlan_FFAC.txt file in the Ford-Factory/Scenery directory (double click and it will open in Notepad) - you will get the gist of the flight planning for the Ford-Factory scenery - etc.

Do not understand your statement "..although I don't know what to do with the empty Texture folder in the Factory package." The Ford-Factory/Texture directory should have quiet a few files in there.

Thanks for prompt reply.
Can now understand why I haven't as yet seen any Trimotor AI ...have been there at wrong times.Will have another visit to both locations tomorrow but it's getting late here and I'm about to go to bed.
Have moved traffic files back to respective scenery folders.
As regards empty Texture folder in the Ford Factory download, it is as DennyBoy said yesterday at 1542....the download consisted of Addon Scenery (which contained the Ford Factory scenery and textures), Aircraft (which contained all the Trimotors) and a third folder named Texture which was empty.(There was no separate Texture folder in the Orca download.)
I must have overlooked the requirement to have AI set at 95% or more. Mine was actually at 90% but turning it up to 95% did the trick and the airfields now have plenty of static Trimotors. Still haven't seen one actually flying so will study the respective flight plans and set a visit time accordingly. Thanks for your help Gary.