Missing add-on airports with update 3


P-38 nut
I had a few freeware add on airports in my community folder prior to update 3. I moved them out of the community folder for the update and just put them back, but they don't show up. Anyone else missing airports (or other scenery)? I'm wondering if is just me or if the update broke something.

- dcc
I had thought that my installation was already updated a yesterday. I tried to start FS2020 this morning though and it would just hang during start up.

I deleted my add-on plane from my community folder and then FS2020 started installing something on next start up????? I did buy the Seoul Korea Scenery from the MS store a couple days ago, so I don't know if that is what is installing or if it is the update.
I think I may have solved it.

I tried a number of things including removing the community folder, re-starting the sim, exiting and restoring the community folder to no avail.

I began poking around other MSFS folders and came across one called 'SceneryIndexes.' I noticed many files with very recent timestamps and other with older timestamps. Searching through some of the dat files I found references to the two airports, even though they weren't installed anymore. On a whim I moved this folder out to the Desktop and started MSFS, hoping it would re-initialize these scenery indexes. Boot was slower than normal (which is pretty slow...) but that did the trick. After I reinstalled the add-on airports they re-appeared. Hopefully I didn't do any lasting damage :untroubled:

- dcc
I think I may have solved it.

I tried a number of things including removing the community folder, re-starting the sim, exiting and restoring the community folder to no avail.

I began poking around other MSFS folders and came across one called 'SceneryIndexes.' I noticed many files with very recent timestamps and other with older timestamps. Searching through some of the dat files I found references to the two airports, even though they weren't installed anymore. On a whim I moved this folder out to the Desktop and started MSFS, hoping it would re-initialize these scenery indexes. Boot was slower than normal (which is pretty slow...) but that did the trick. After I reinstalled the add-on airports they re-appeared. Hopefully I didn't do any lasting damage :untroubled:

- dcc


Do you mind telling where you found the scenery indexes? In a location similar to FSX/P3D?

EDIT: found it. The location is similar! :)


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